Hello. I'm about to switch from Debian Sid 32 bits to Gentoo 64 bits. I have noticed ( http://packages.gentoo.org/search/?sstring=specimen ) that Specimen isn't provided as a package in Gentoo 64 bits. So I have two questions : - Does the source code of Specimen compile and permits a normally usable Specimen under a 64 Bits OS ? (and, if it's the case, does anybody know why there's no gentoo package ? Lack of interest from any developper or something, as quite any other audio apps seems to be avalaible under gentoo ?). - If I setup a 32 bits chroot under Gentoo 64 bits as it's documented here : ( http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/base/amd64/howtos/index.xml?part=1&chap=2 ), will Specimen be usable just as a normal jackd-enabled software, with jackd running in the 64 bits environment ? More generally, when encountering an audio software which cannot run in 64 bits, how does it work with 64 bits jackd ? Thanks in advance for any enlightenment :). Cheers, Y.