After throughly discussing the matter with myself in one of the recent threads, I have decided to buy one of these babies. 80a0861528715ba10d991d222b7cea8e/cl/ details/cnid/6de41fdfcc49e8d26.98526461/ anid/a64439d2dcebda552.04446416/Samson-C01U/ (For an explicit photograph of it it is necessary to piece together the URL, but this is probably not the greatest length you have gone to to find pleasing imagery online) I've been screaming all around how there is no linear scale of quality and how everything is subjective while secretly drooling over Paul Davis' latest phidelity discoveries. That's pretty hypocritical to say the least. It so happens that I'm living on a series of loans the Swiss government is issuing to me on grounds I don't get into trouble (it has been a big sacrifice) which aren't exactly designed to match up with the latest and greatest in the QBDD* tested section of Pro Audio hardware designed to be pleasing to people who bias themselves by reading the specs before listening in order to give quality statements that are generally accepted as non-biased. Whew :) And since I have to decided to change this situation purely over sine waves and my own sexuality (recorded in the waves) it makes sense to run low overhead for a while. I've seen these two chicks recently, one of them fat, causing quite a stir in me playing UKULELEs. One of them smiles heftily enough to move a jackhammer through freshly pressed and carefully crafted brick pavement (or whatever), and I like that. I actually bought a CD from them, which I will never listen to, they sound awful, but for some reason I wanted to give them money and there's a pair of red luscious lips on the cover. Wish me luck with my el-cheapo USB mike! I'll be posting irrevent music soon. Nobody will be speared. Uh, spared. I think. That's Carlo Capocasa, reporting live from my uncleanly apartment in St. Gallen, Switzerland. Carlo *Quadruple Blind, Deaf and Dumb