Awk is powerful and concise, but it's not my friend - I can never remember how the heck it works ;-) I'd probably do like Paul D. suggests and use existing tools - e.g. find something to generate an appropriate soundfile, then feed it through sox. But just for fun, here's something silly I just whipped up: $ ./ Usage: ./ frequency [sampling rate] [bits] Print one cycle of a sine wave of approximately the given frequency. Values given in hex with *bits* precision at *sampling rate*. Default sampling rate is 44100. Default bits is 16. pwinkler@Winkler-P-LT2K ~ $ ./ 24000 48000 0000 ffff pwinkler@Winkler-P-LT2K ~ $ ./ 3000 48000 0000 31f1 61f7 8e39 b504 d4da ec82 fb14 ffff fb14 ec82 d4da b504 8e39 61f7 31f1 And here's the source. Most of it is argument handling :-) --