Marije, There seem to be two problems here, and I have encountered both of them recently. 1. QJackCtl going into overload: for me this happens if I run a process that is CPU and hard disk intensive. For example if I do a 'find / -iname filename' with QJackCtl, Jackd and a jack app running, QJackCtl will increase its CPU usage until it crashes. Jackd itself, however does not crash, and keeps running until you send it a HUP. 2. Xruns created by battery polls: I don't know if this is the same problem that you are experiencing, but I used to run the gnome battstat applet on my gnome panel. It took me a while to diagnose that this was causing a lot of xruns, presumably every time it checks the battery status. You might want to check that you don't have any status applets running. You might also want to check that you don't have the kacpid bug (check google for this). Jamie On Wed, 2005-01-12 at 19:53, nescivi wrote: > Hi, > > speaking of xruns... > I tend to get a lot if I use my laptop on batteries and have the acpid > daemon running (sometimes also putting the performance profile down). > > Now, even when I do not really hear anything from this xruns, the > problem usually is that QJackCtl starts to take up so much CPU, that > it becomes hard to solve the problem (bad mouse response, etc.). > Jack and other audio applications itself looks fine, just QJackCtl > gets up to above 90%. > I guess it has something to do with QJackCtl trying to inform me in > all detail about all these xruns, whereas I would be happy with just > the message "a lot of 'em" and much lower CPU-usage from QJackCtl. > > I don't know whether this behaviour has been reported before (did not > check any other emaillists), but it is surely worth solving. > > sincerely, > Marije > >