[linux-audio-user] Warning: no locale found: /usr/share/locale/qjackctl_en_AU.qm

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Rui Nuno Capela wrote:

|Leandro Monk wrote:
|>Rui Nuno Capela wrote:
|>|Otherwise you can just volunteer to translate qjackctl to Australian :)
|>If you want, i can translate it to spanish!!!!
|Great! Here are the instructions:
|0) You must have installed qt3-devel and qt3-devel-tools packages (RPMs?)
|   to get started. Which particular package names depends on your distro.
|1) Edit qjackctl.pro(.in), adding TRANSLATIONS filenames (.ts) as needed.
|   Here follows an example for Freach, German, Spanish, Portuguese and
|   Russian translations files, respectively:
|   TRANSLATIONS += qjackctl_fr.ts \
|                   qjackctl_de.ts \
|                   qjackctl_es.ts \
|                   qjackctl_pt.ts \
|                   qjackctl_ru.ts
|   Something tells me that this set is the bare minimum to tell qjackctl is
|   i18nized, really! :) I can start the pt translation as its my mother's
|   language of course, and you may volunteer por ru, ain't you?
|2) Run lupdate utility against the edited qjackctl.pro file:
|   lupdate -verbose qjackctl.pro
|   This will create or update the existing .ts files as specified on
|   qjackctl.pro.
|3) Use Qt's linguist utility application against each .ts file, where the
|   real human translation takes its pace and steps for each source word or
|   phrase.
|4) When finished and done, run lrelease against qjackctl.pro file, to
|   produce the corresponding .qm files. These are final that should be
|   copied to the installation directory ${PREFIX}/share/locale.
|   lrelease -verbose qjackctl.pro
|5) Set LANG environment variable to your language code (e.g. 'fr', 'de',
|   'es', 'pt' or 'ru'), and hopefully qjackctl will be full translated
|   (i.e. using ${PREFIX}/share/locale/qjackctl_${LANG}.qm file).
|Try it out as you can afford, and tell me about your progresses, if any.
|Best regards.


Today I'm finishing the transaltion. How you send?

- --
Leandro Monk

Miembro del CaFeLUG

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