R Parker wrote: > Hi Eric, > --- Eric Dantan Rzewnicki <rzewnickie@xxxxxxx> wrote: >>On Sun, Sep 12, 2004 at 09:18:21AM -0700, Russell >>Hanaghan wrote: >>>On Sunday 12 September 2004 05:24 am, R Parker >>wrote: >>>>Hi Russell, >>>The item about Ardour you mention concerns >>me...primarily because I don't wish >>>to violate any of these type of rules / laws/ >>policies; Is that really >>>applicable here? My intent is to describe how I >>personally used this >>>application to create an Effects box...NOt "how >>one should use Ardour in the >>>intended, technically correct manner intended by >>the Author(s)." But again, I >>>do not wish to piss anyone off here...that would >>be kinda counter >>>productive! :) Perhaps Paul can offer his >>thoughts?? >>As I understand it, Paul has been working on Ardour >>more than full time >>for at least the past 4+ years ... >>*on_his_own_funding*! Along the way >>he has made huge contributions to the linux audio >>code base in the form >>of extensive work on jackd, alsa drivers and various >>libraries. Not to >>mention the fact that his participation in the >>community as a very >>experienced and knowledgable programmer increases >>everyone's knowledge >>base. > Exactly! He's made a significant contribution and that > makes it very easy to understand his wish to control > the documentation for Ardour. > Perhaps one way to do >>this would be to >>write up docs on my use case, not publish it myself, > Not publishing them ourselves is important. You > obviously appreciate his position. >>but instead give it >>to him to include in his docs as an example to put >>in the appendix or >>something. Maybe you could do the same with your >>section on your use of >>ardour. I'm not sure if Paul would accept it, but it >>can't hurt to offer >>it to him. > It might save you some work to ask him before you > write anything. Good point. But, even so sometimes just going through the process of writing something up helps to clarify my understanding. So, it might be a good exercise even if it never sees the light of day. -Eric Rz.