Hi, These really helped clear up some concepts in digital audio for me... one being "dithering". I really had no idea wordlength was such an important issue, guess it applies even to changes in volume! The Secrets of Dither Keeping Your Digital Audio Pure from First Recording to Final Master http://tinyurl.com/2p5q8 What is dither? http://www.earlevel.com/Digital%20Audio/Dither.html Digital Audio at the National Library of Canada (How the NLC digitizes media) http://www.collectionscanada.ca/9/1/p1-248-e.html Reading this reminds me of one of the (IMHO) fundamental yet hugely important issues in recording digitally: high and smooth input levels. Just thought I'd share. (I just noticed qjackctl reports a wordlength of 16, and I can't change it... hm...) -ry