Re: Obsolete documentation?

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I wrote a SLIP documentation which shows how to setup a SLIP connection between an ELKS system running in QEMU und the host where QEMU is running. You could send data from the host to the ELKS system and vice versa. This is this document:
To me this seemed easier to set up instead of two ELKS systems connected with a cross-over serial cable.

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- From: Marc-F. Lucca-Daniau
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2020 6:05 PM
To: Paul Osmialowski ; Derek Johansen
Subject: Re: Obsolete documentation?

Hello Derek and Paul,

ELKS is indeed still SLIP capable :

One has just to change the command line of 'ktcp' to remove Ethernet and
put back SLIP.

Documentation is quite outdated. Georges made an effort to document
Ethernet and some other things while debugging networking features, but
there are still many legacy documents that need to be reorderer and updated.



Le 16/02/2020 à 12:08, Paul Osmialowski a écrit :
So what happened to SLIP support in ELKS? 8-bit ISA ethernet cards
(with RJ-45 connector) are very rare (I have only one of them, work nicely
under FreeDOS and in theory it should be supported by ELKS's ne2k driver,
but it isn't). Within my one more XT machine to play with ELKS, serial
port is the only means of external communication. PPP/IP or SLIP is
something ELKS should definitely have IMHO.


On Sat, 15 Feb 2020, Derek Johansen wrote:

Does elks/Documentation/text/networking_guide.txt make
elks/Documentation/text/networking.txt obsolete?  The latter in
Section 2 says ELKS only supports SLIP connections.  I don't think
this is still true?

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