Hello, Attached can replace Makefile in martine-full-20100123. I confirmed it works on kernel 3.2.0. Regrads, Tomoo -- ****** Nomura Technical Management Office Ltd. ***************** Tomoo Nomura nomura@xxxxxxxxx http://www.tmo.co.jp/ Phone: +81-78-797-0240 Fax: +81-78-754-8240 Worldwide Airline Timetable 'Flight Planner' European Electronic Timetable 'HAFAS' ValueFax Support ****************************************************************
KERNEL_DIR:=/lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build MAINLEVEL:=$(shell echo $(KERNEL_DIR) | cut -d/ -f4 | cut -d. -f1) SUBLEVEL:=$(shell echo $(KERNEL_DIR) | cut -d. -f3 | cut -d. -f1 | cut -d- -f1) # support begins at SUBLEVEL 20 after20:=$(shell if [ "$(MAINLEVEL)" -eq 3 ] || [ "$(SUBLEVEL)" -gt 20 ] ;then echo OK; fi) ifdef after20 all: $(MAKE) -C kmodule/ modules $(MAKE) -C modem/ all # $(MAKE) -C utils/ ptytosock install: $(MAKE) -C kmodule/ install $(MAKE) -C modem/ install else 20less: @echo "The martian_dev.ko driver and the complementary helper martian_helper are for use with kernels after 2.6.20. Use the martian-20080407.tar.gz for earlier kernels." endif clean: $(MAKE) -C kmodule/ clean $(MAKE) -C modem/ clean