2009/12/21 celestine preetham <mastercelestinepreetham@xxxxxxxxx>: > Thanks Antonio and Marvin for your support. > But I am facing some errors after " sudo make all " that I have attached . Unfortunately, this attachment does not seem to have made it to the list. > Also I tried installing tarball for agrsm-20090418 but it returned errors . Sorry, that is my fault. Some of my fixes to that code in 2008 were not backwards compatible. > But when I tried installing tarball agrsm-20070804 , there were no errors > So should I consider using the older versions ? I suggest you try several, and use the latest one that works for you. > After installing tarbal agrsm-20070804 , wvdial.conf did not identify any modem > I also tried the pci=noacpi bootup but in vain Hugo removed the need for acpi options in early 2008. Perhaps you need the 20080203 package? There's also the possibility of a hardware error. You could try moving the card to a different PCI slot, or changing BIOS settings for PCI IRQ's. -- Joshua Crawford ... http://geocities.com/mortarn http://www.rewardscentral.com.au/Join/Default.aspx?refer=mortarn Be rewarded! Join RewardsCentral today!