Hi On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 02:54:45PM -0400, Marvin Stodolsky wrote: > Presently please do a clean writeup on the pulse audio solution, and > send to the List. > There it will acquire a > http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/bigarch/archive-sixth/msg?????.htm > which scanModem will output for agrsm chipsets. 1. Getting the Agere Modem driver working: After first installing from these instructions http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/bigarch/archive-nineth/msg01316.html Except that my kernel is not a downloaded deb but I have added intrepid main restricted to the repositories; and my dkms is from jaunty repositories. Two more debs dkms-agrsm and agrsm-tools were the debs from the thread above. 2. Disabling pulseaudio on jaunty: In addition, to disable pulseaudio, I had to use some methods in http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2009/04/21/ubuntu-904-jaunty-keeping-the-beast-pulseaudio-at-bay/ But slightly different I ran the commands: sudo mv /etc/X11/Xsession.d/70pulseaudio /root/ sudo update-rc.d -f pulseaudio remove asoundconf unset-pulseaudio And In the file /etc/pulse/client.conf set the line autospawn = no 3. various fixes To allow a user to use gnome-ppp, a nice user friendly app you need to add to /etc/rc.local before the exit line, the line: agrsm-test I think this does some initialisation that gnome-ppp does not do. Then also there is a pap-secrets/chap-secrets error of permissions: Re --> Warning: Could not modify /etc/ppp/chap-secrets: Permission denied --> --> CHAP (Challenge Handshake) may be flaky. is a known problem. The fix is in http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/bigarch/archive-sixth/msg04656.html Instead I did chgrp dialout /etc/ppp/*ap-secrets and chmod 660 /etc/ppp/*ap-secrets. This is a single-user machine, I guess it is not most secure but should be OK. I did not return the secrets files to root read-only. 3. Get sound back on: To also get sound working again using Alsa, go via the menu System > Preferences > Sound >> all set to Alsa as in the instructions in link in (2) above, and run the various commands in that link. Now Alsa sound works in addition to the modem. I can dial out while music is playing. Thanks to this list and the assistance. Keep up the good work! regards, Jan -- .~. /V\ Jan Groenewald /( )\ www.aims.ac.za ^^-^^