Jagathy, The package you need is over here: http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/packages/smartlink/Ubuntu/slamr-2.6.27-7-generic.tar.gz If you update your kernel to a newer one, the following packages are there as well : http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/packages/smartlink/Ubuntu/slamr-2.6.27-9-generic.tar.gz http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/packages/smartlink/Ubuntu/slamr-2.6.27-11-generic.tar.gz Look for them in the Ubuntu/ folder: http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/packages/smartlink/Ubuntu/ HTH, Antonio On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 4:57 AM, Jagathy K.S <jagathyks@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Sir, > After scanning my modem using scanMoed.gz. > Get this report. > > > > UPDATE=2009_04_28 > Continuing as this update is only 0 weeks old, > but the current Update is always at: http://linmodems.technion.ac.il > > Please rename this script scanModem, or some files will not print out. > Abort with Ctrl-C, or wait 5 seconds to continue. > Identifying PCI bus slots with candidate modems. > Running PCIbus cases > Analysing card in PCI bus 00:05.0, writing to scanout.00:05.0 > Using scanout.00:05.0 data, and writing guidance to ModemData.txt > Read DOCs/Smartlink.txt > From http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/packages/smartlink/Ubuntu/ , > download the package slamr-2.6.27-7-generic.tar.gz > Under Linux, open a terminal and unpack with: > $ tar zxvf slamr*.tar.gz > Move into the unpacked folder > $ cd slamr-2.6.27-7-generic > Look around > $ ls > Run the > $ sudo ./setup > Afterwards do: > $ slmodemd --help > $ slmodemd --countrylist &> Clist.txt > If not in the USA, look for your COUNTRY_NAME therein. > Do and edit with: > $ sudo gedit /etc/default/sl-modem-daemon > and therein replace the USA in the line: > SLMODEMD_COUNTRY=USA > This will provide for the correct Country setting in the automated: > slmodemd -c COUNTRY /dev/slamr0 > Read the DOCs/Smartlink.txt and DOCs/YourSystem.txt > Writing DOCs/Smartlink.txt > Writing residual guidance customized to your System. > A subfolder Modem/ has been written, containing these files with > more detailed Information: > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > 1stRead.txt Bootup.txt dmesg.txt DOCs ModemData.txt scanout.00:05.0 tmp > and in the DOCs subfolder: > DriverCompiling.txt InfoGeneral.txt Rational.txt Smartlink.txt > SoftModem.txt Testing.txt UNSUBSCRIBE.txt wvdial.txt > YourSystem.txt > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Please read 1stRead.txt first for Guidance. > > > According to this I searched for slamr-2.6.27-7-generic.tar.gz, But > cannot get only get slamr-2.6.24-7-generic.tar.gz. I unpack > (slamr-2.6.24-7-generic.tar.gz) with > tar zxvf slamr*.tar.gz > but I got an error message like this > gzip: stdin: not in gzip format > child returns status. > Error exit delayed from previous errors. > > So what I have to do, how can I solve this problem. Please help me. > > jagathyks@xxxxxxxxx > <div><br></div>