Re: unable to connect with internal modem under Ubuntu

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--- On Thu, 12/18/08, Jacques Goldberg <Jacques.Goldberg@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> From: Jacques Goldberg <Jacques.Goldberg@xxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: unable to connect with internal modem under Ubuntu
> To: "Antonio Olivares" <olivares14031@xxxxxxxxx>
> Cc: "D Brewer" <interscientific@xxxxxxxxx>, discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Thursday, December 18, 2008, 10:33 AM
> Antonio,
> Are you using Ubuntu yourself?
Only at school, but not with dialup :(
> THE reason why I keep screaming upon Ubuntu's
> networking is precisely 
> that when you sudo ifconfig eth0 down  its IP address
> disappears ... for 
> no more than 20 seconds ! Not enough time to type the
> wvdial command.
> This occurs because the UUbuntu tool has decided for you,
> without 
> asking, to start the Ethernet and Wifi interfaces (if they
> exist), and 
> keep them alive whatever you try to do -- just as Windows:
> never ask 
> anything from stupid users which is what Microsoft thinks
> of their customer.
> Ubuntu calls that "roaming": it brings back
> Ethernet and Wifi as long as 
> its networking tool does not try to automatically switch to
> an analog 
> modem when the user clicks on "modem".
> Which is why I directed Devon to use the network tool.
> But Devon is a beginner, As you know I am not exactly a
> beginner in 
> networking, and have not yet found it anything logical in
> that awfully 
> complicated tool.
> We must mock up Windows at any price, right ?

I hope that Devon fixes this issue.


> <(;-)  Jacques
> Antonio Olivares wrote:
> > Devon,
> > 
> > Before you try to connect again, please run
> > $ sudo ifconfig eth0 down
> > then
> > attempt to connect with wvdial
> > $ sudo wvdial
> > 
> > Please report back to see if you can connect with
> this.  Block device
> > eth0 will interfere with the connection, it is best to
> turn it off and
> > try to connect again without it.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Antonio
> > 
> > On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 10:54 AM, D Brewer
> <interscientific@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >> Jacques and Antonio,
> >>
> >> Thank you for bearing with me.
> >>
> >> Antonio, I made the edits to the resolv.conf file
> and re-enabled "Stupid mode = yes".
> >>
> >> Jacques, my attempts to connect via the Network
> Manager in Ubuntu were unsuccessful.  Nothing happens when I
> click on "Connect to ppp0 via Modem".  I know
> it's trying to do something, because if I try wvdial
> after clicking on "connect to ppp0 via modem"
> without disconnecting via the Network Manager, wvdial will
> show the connection is busy.
> >>
> >> I followed your directions for creating the
> dump.txt file while wvdial is running.  Here is the contents
> of that file:
> >>
> >> eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr
> 00:19:21:b6:a4:36
> >>          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500 
> Metric:1
> >>          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0
> overruns:0 frame:0
> >>          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0
> overruns:0 carrier:0
> >>          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
> >>          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
> >>          Interrupt:21 Base address:0xb800
> >>
> >> lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
> >>          inet addr:  Mask:
> >>          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
> >>          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
> >>          RX packets:978 errors:0 dropped:0
> overruns:0 frame:0
> >>          TX packets:978 errors:0 dropped:0
> overruns:0 carrier:0
> >>          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
> >>          RX bytes:48900 (47.7 KB)  TX bytes:48900
> (47.7 KB)
> >>
> >> ppp0      Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
> >>          inet addr:  P-t-P: 
> Mask:
> MTU:1500  Metric:1
> >>          RX packets:12 errors:0 dropped:0
> overruns:0 frame:0
> >>          TX packets:12 errors:0 dropped:0
> overruns:0 carrier:0
> >>          collisions:0 txqueuelen:3
> >>          RX bytes:135 (135.0 B)  TX bytes:166
> (166.0 B)
> >>
> >> Kernel IP routing table
> >> Destination     Gateway         Genmask        
> Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
> >> UH
>    0      0        0 ppp0
> >>         U 
>    0      0        0 ppp0
> >> nameserver
> >> nameserver
> >> ### BEGIN INFO
> >> #
> >> # Modified_by:  NetworkManager
> >> # Process:      /usr/bin/NetworkManager
> >> # Process_id:   4869
> >> #
> >> ### END INFO
> >>
> >> search Belkin
> >>
> >>
> >> The "Belkin" probably refers to the
> router I have for my cable connection.  Several days ago, I
> had the Ubuntu box connected to the cable internet, but it
> has been physically disconnected in all the time since
> (during the whole period I've tried to connect via the
> modem).
> >>
> >> Thank you both for your help!
> >>
> >> Devon
> >>
> >>
> >> --- On Thu, 12/18/08, Jacques Goldberg
> <Jacques.Goldberg@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>
> >>> From: Jacques Goldberg
> <Jacques.Goldberg@xxxxxxx>
> >>> Subject: Re: unable to connect with internal
> modem under Ubuntu
> >>> To: "D Brewer"
> <interscientific@xxxxxxxxx>
> >>> Cc: discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >>> Date: Thursday, December 18, 2008, 12:18 AM
> >>> Did you try the Ubuntu  network management
> tool as I
> >>> described last night, in place of wvdial?
> >>>
> >>> Your problem with wvdial is almost certainly
> due to the
> >>> impossibility to bring down an Ethernet or
> Wifi  interface.
> >>>
> >>> If the problem persists, please proceed as
> follows:
> >>> Open a additional terminal (console).
> >>> In one of the terminals lauch   sudo wvdial  
> and do not
> >>> stop it (no CTRL-C) , wait until you see
> >>>
> >>>> ATDT495-1000
> >>>> CONNECT 460800
> >>>> --> Carrier detected.  Starting PPP
> immediately.
> >>>> --> Starting pppd at Wed Dec 17
> 18:21:54 2008
> >>>> --> Pid of pppd: 9054
> >>>> --> Using interface ppp0
> >>>> --> local  IP address
> >>>> --> remote IP address
> >>>> --> primary   DNS address
> >>>> --> secondary DNS address
> >>>>
> >>> and then the window becomes still
> >>>
> >>> Go to the other terminal.
> >>> Type    sudo ifconfig > dump.txt
> >>> Type    sudo route -n >> dump.txt
> >>> Type    sudo cat /etc/resolv.conf >>
> dump.txt
> >>>
> >>> And send me the file dump.txt thus created.
> >>> Pay attention, there is only ONE > , not
> two, on the
> >>> first of the three commands (using 2 the first
> time is
> >>> harmless, but if you have to do it again make
> sure you type
> >>> only one.  > opens a new file, >>
> adds to an
> >>> existing file or creates it if not found ).
> >>>
> >>> D Brewer wrote:
> >>>> Jacques,
> >>>>
> >>>> Two other helpful members of this list
> told me how to
> >>> edit the pap-secrets file, and I have done so
> successfully.
> >>> I tried to connect via wvdial but still had
> trouble.
> >>>> Here's the report from the terminal
> from my first
> >>> attempt:
> >>>> carolyn@carolyn-desktop:~$ sudo wvdial
> >>>> --> WvDial: Internet dialer version
> 1.60
> >>>> --> Initializing modem.
> >>>> --> Sending: ATZ
> >>>> ATZ
> >>>> OK
> >>>> --> Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1
> &D2
> >>> +FCLASS=0
> >>>> ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
> >>>> OK
> >>>> --> Modem initialized.
> >>>> --> Sending: ATDT495-1000
> >>>> --> Waiting for carrier.
> >>>> ATDT495-1000
> >>>> CONNECT 460800 --> Carrier detected. 
> Starting PPP
> >>> immediately.
> >>>> --> Starting pppd at Wed Dec 17
> 18:21:54 2008
> >>>> --> Pid of pppd: 9054
> >>>> --> Using interface ppp0
> >>>> --> local  IP address
> >>>> --> remote IP address
> >>>> --> primary   DNS address
> >>>> --> secondary DNS address
> >>>>
> >>>> Caught signal 2:  Attempting to exit
> gracefully...
> >>>> --> Terminating on signal 15
> >>>> --> Connect time 1.7 minutes.
> >>>> --> Disconnecting at Wed Dec 17
> 18:23:40 2008
> >>>>
> >>>> I waited a couple of minutes after it
> showed the DNS
> >>> addresses, and opened Firefox, but
> couldn't navigate to
> >>> any online sites.  So I hit ctrl-C to exit.
> >>>> Then I edited the wvdial.conf file to
> comment out
> >>> "Stupid Mode = yes".  I tried wvdial
> again, and
> >>> here's what the terminal showed:
> >>>> carolyn@carolyn-desktop:~$ sudo wvdial
> >>>> --> WvDial: Internet dialer version
> 1.60
> >>>> --> Initializing modem.
> >>>> --> Sending: ATZ
> >>>> ATZ
> >>>> OK
> >>>> --> Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1
> &D2
> >>> +FCLASS=0
> >>>> ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
> >>>> OK
> >>>> --> Modem initialized.
> >>>> --> Sending: ATDT495-1000
> >>>> --> Waiting for carrier.
> >>>> ATDT495-1000
> >>>> CONNECT 460800 --> Carrier detected. 
> Waiting for
> >>> prompt.
> >>>> CVX Access Switch.
> >>>> Access is restricted to authorized users
> only.
> >>>> login: --> Looks like a login prompt.
> >>>> --> Sending: guest
> >>>> guest
> >>>> password: --> Looks like a password
> prompt.
> >>>> --> Sending: (password)
> >>>> Exiting shell, and starting PPP session.
> >>>> ~[7f]}#@!}!}!} }8}!}$}%\}"}&}
> }*} }
> >>> }%}&:ZRF}'}"}(}"*G~
> >>>> --> PPP negotiation detected.
> >>>> --> Starting pppd at Wed Dec 17
> 18:26:01 2008
> >>>> --> Pid of pppd: 9183
> >>>> --> Using interface ppp0
> >>>> --> pppd:
> ��[06][08]H�[06][08]
> >>>> --> pppd:
> ��[06][08]H�[06][08]
> >>>> --> pppd:
> ��[06][08]H�[06][08]
> >>>> --> local  IP address
> >>>> --> pppd:
> ��[06][08]H�[06][08]
> >>>> --> remote IP address
> >>>> --> pppd:
> ��[06][08]H�[06][08]
> >>>> --> primary   DNS address
> >>>> --> pppd:
> ��[06][08]H�[06][08]
> >>>> --> secondary DNS address
> >>>> --> pppd:
> ��[06][08]H�[06][08]
> >>>> --> pppd:
> ��[06][08]H�[06][08]
> >>>> Caught signal 2:  Attempting to exit
> gracefully...
> >>>> --> Terminating on signal 15
> >>>> --> pppd:
> ��[06][08]H�[06][08]
> >>>> --> Connect time 1.8 minutes.
> >>>> --> pppd:
> ��[06][08]H�[06][08]
> >>>> --> pppd:
> ��[06][08]H�[06][08]
> >>>> --> Disconnecting at Wed Dec 17
> 18:27:54 2008
> >>>>
> >>>> I tried the same procedure of opening
> Firefox and
> >>> navigating to a real web site, but with no
> luck.  Am I not
> >>> waiting long enough, or is there still a
> problem?
> >>>> Thank you again for your detective work!
> >>>>
> >>>> Devon
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> --- On Wed, 12/17/08, Jacques Goldberg
> >>> <Jacques.Goldberg@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>>>> From: Jacques Goldberg
> >>> <Jacques.Goldberg@xxxxxxx>
> >>>>> Subject: Re: unable to connect with
> internal modem
> >>> under Ubuntu
> >>>>> To: "Linmodems"
> >>> <discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Devon
> Brewer"
> >>> <interscientific@xxxxxxxxx>
> >>>>> Date: Wednesday, December 17, 2008,
> 12:52 PM
> >>>>> Devon and list:
> >>>>> this thread was long and I believe
> that I solved
> >>> it -
> >>>>> sufficiently general saga worth being
> in archive.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Devon has an HSF modem in his Ubuntu
> 8.04 box.
> >>>>> He correctly installed the driver but
> could not
> >>> achieve a
> >>>>> connection.
> >>>>> I have the same modem on my RedHat
> modified (aka
> >>> Scientific
> >>>>> Linux) in my box.
> >>>>> I met no problem getting connected
> first to my
> >>> University
> >>>>> then to Devon's ISP
> >>> with S.L.
> >>>>> I then loaded my old Ubuntu 7.10 Live
> CD,
> >>> installed the
> >>>>> driver (from the generic file, not the
> >>> precompiled), from
> >>>>> Linuxant.
> >>>>> Either with wvdial or with the Ubuntu
> >>> System->Administration->Network tool, I
> immediately
> >>>>> got connected to my University but
> experienced the
> >>> same
> >>>>> rejection as observed by Devon with
> his ISP.
> >>>>> I have no scruple disclosing the
> username,
> >>> password and
> >>>>> phone number of his ISP because they
> are publicly
> >>> displayed
> >>>>> on the Web page quoted above. The
> username was
> >>> aptly chosen
> >>>>> as "guest" by the ISP.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The debugging option of pppd (syslog)
> made me find
> >>> out that
> >>>>> the cause was a PAP rejection.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Lo and behold, the file 
> /etc/ppp/pap-secrets on
> >>> the Ubuntu
> >>>>> 7.04 Live CD, and probably every
> Ubuntu distro,
> >>> contains a
> >>>>> block of restricted user id's to
> which
> >>> dialling is
> >>>>> denied. Of course my RedHat based
> system does not
> >>> have that
> >>>>> block.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Sure enough, "guest" is in
> the blacklist
> >>> !!!
> >>>>> Devon: locate that line in
> /etc/ppp/pap-secrets ,
> >>> insert a
> >>>>> # at the beginning to make it ignored
> by pppd, and
> >>> let me
> >>>>> know if you get connected, as I did. I
> am really
> >>> eager to
> >>>>> know that you too can now connect.
> >>>>> I tried with the Ubuntu network
> manager above,
> >>> not with
> >>>>> wvdial, because Ubuntu sufficiently
> mocks Windows
> >>> in hiding
> >>>>> things and decides for the user what
> he wants to
> >>> do without
> >>>>> letting him ask, user assumed to be
> readily dumbed
> >>> to the
> >>>>> 200 % level by Microsoft. Simply, I
> never could
> >>> find how to
> >>>>> disable the Ethernet and Wifi
> interfaces under
> >>> Ubuntu: you
> >>>>> disable them, within up to 30 seconds
> they are
> >>> back, forcing
> >>>>> routes and DNS's which you do not
> want for the
> >>> analog
> >>>>> modem connection.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Jacques
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Jacques
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>
> >>
> >>


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