Re: Agere Systems HDA Modem

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Bjorn Wielens wrote:
It's quite likely you will be told the drivers won't
be developed unless there is financial support of some
sort. (If not, keep us posted)
Hi Bjorn,

I didn't expect a positive reply but at least I received a reply. See
the following text;


Unfortunately, LSI does not make modems, we design and manufacture the
chips that are built onto the modem board. It is for this reason that we
do not provide end-user service/support for modems, aside from providing
a generic modem driver package for our Host-based Controller Chipsets on
our website.

However, in regard to the PCI Soft Modem the following websites can be
very helpful - and

Also, to find out who manufactured your Modem go to


LSI Corporation


The web sites don't help of course.

However, we DO have drivers for that modem (11c11040),
see my HOWTO. They just need some work to get running,
since they were written for 2.6.22 era kernels.

Yes. I have been following them. On this laptop I have been running
Knoppix 5.3.1 with my home dir on a thumb drive. I am intending to
install Fedora 9 on a 4G thumb drive as soon as the DVD comes out on
Linux Magazine which should be soon. I can then really get serious about
getting this excuse for a modem up and running.

I am saving all your threads on this for future reference as well.

Thank you for the time and effort you are putting in on our behalf. It
is very much appreciated.

--- Graeme Nichols <gnichols@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I don't know if any of the info below is new to
anybody but I have been searching around Agere's web site (LSI in fact) and I have sent a message to them enquiring about Linux drivers. The reply will be interesting I suppose. Anyway, the following link and the attached PDF will give some insight for those who have this

Kind regards,


Kind regards,


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