Re: faxing - ModemData.txt Attached

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PLEASE read what I have already written.
There is NO substitute to the Linuxant HSF driver.
If the Dell version does not work with your kernel, you can downgrade to match the kernel supported by the Dell version, but it is a bad idea on many grounds as many other programs may suddenly not work.

20 US $ against the headache of having to match the Dell version kernel or have no FAX - think of it.

Click "store" at

There is nothing else that we can do for you.


David Rodriguez wrote:
Hi, Jacques and Marvin -

In response to your question, yes, I did install the driver a month
ago and dialup does work. It's slow, but that's because I need to buy
the license to enable the full version. I understand this.

And I read what you said about faxing. I still wish there was a way to
fax under ubuntu. If you know of a way, please let me know. Thanks!


On 6/12/08, Jacques Goldberg <Jacques.Goldberg@xxxxxxx> wrote:

1-PLEASE, it is enough to write to discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx . Neither Marv
nor myself need a second copy which arrives at the same instant.

2-I would really like to know if you have installed the Linuxant driver
matching your kernel from site as Marv
suggested in

3-Things like virtualbox which I do not know either, as Marv, make
things complicated and unlikely to work because the modem driver needs
to talk to the hardware and a virtual Windows running under Linux
**CANNOT** interfere with the Linux software controlling the same hardware.

4-Your modem, like 99.9% of all present INTERNAL modems, is a Winmodem
supported under Windows and often also under Linux. A winmodem comprises
two parts, a small part of hardware and a heavy piece of SOFTWARE. The
hardware is not enough to FAX, you need the driver too. Therefore the
fact that your modem faxes under Windows is not a sufficient condition
for it to fax under Linux. Please understand that.

5-According to your ModemData.txt your modem belongs to the Conexant HSF
series supported undel Linux by the Linuxant HSF driver. This is why we
keep repeating to you that you have to install the Linuxant HSF driver.

6-If I remember well, you have tried to install the Linuxant HSF driver
prepared by Linuxant for Dell customers. I do not know for sure if this
special version works with your kernel 2.6.22-14.

7-The driver stored directly at Linuxant is updated and very easy to
install (read INSTALLATION in the HSF left menu in page .
Have you tried to install it? Have you gotten any error message? Has
your installation succeeded?

8-When you install this software from Linuxant, you obtain a limited
version of the driver which cannot run faster than 14.4 kbauds and
cannot FAX.
You have to pay a license (about 20$) to have up to 56k full speed and fax.

9-BEFORE trying to FAX after installing a modem, try to get connnected
to any ISP in yout country. You will not need a complete connection. So
you just need the phone number, and put anything as username and
password in /etc/wvdial.conf . If the driver installation is correct,
wvdial will call the ISP modem which will prompt you for a username and
then for a password, and kick you out because the username/password are
incorrect. This is enough to know that your modem works.

So, please, understand that the FIRST thing to do is to install the HSF
driver. If there is a problem, give us ALL DETAILS. All the error
messages which you receive during the installation.


Marvin Stodolsky wrote:

I have no experience with virtualbox and almost none with faxing.


On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 11:51 PM, David Rodriguez
<david.x.rodriguez@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi, Jacques and Marvin -

Thanks for the email. Attached is the ModemData.txt that you asked.
Just to let you know, my modem is capable of faxing because I had XP
installed last year and had no problem faxing. But now, I have ubuntu

I do have XP running as guest in virtualbox. Considering this, how can
I configure virtualbox to get XP to use my modem as dialup and to fax?
If you know, I'd appreciate feedback on this. Thanks.


On 6/11/08, Marvin Stodolsky <marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jacques Goldberg <Jacques.Goldberg@xxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: Yefer Barandica López, Colombia kernel 2.6.24-17-generic
To: yeferbar@xxxxxxxxx
Cc: Marvin Stodolsky <Marvin.Stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx>

I replied to a mail sent to me by Marv who is a big expert but clearly
does not use his PC for faxing.
It is with him rather than you in mind, that I wrote a pedestrian
technical explanation of how faxing works.
This is irrelevant for an end user like you who wants to send/receive
faxes without becoming an expert in the software which makes this

With you in mind this time, I repeat:
1-Any IP relation with faxing has to be forgotten and dropped. What
you do with IP cannot fax. This is Ok since you have at the same time
an indepedent network connection.
2-Any use of the modem for IP is irrelevant to faxing and cannot be
OTHER. So please FORGET about modem vs IP when you want to use efax.
3-efax assumes that the computer is connected to a modem, the modem to
a regular non-ADSL voice phone line, and that the modem is powered up.
4-Now comes the difficulty under Linux if your modem is a Winmodem.
A Winmodem does not do all its job by hardware like true hardware
serial external modems, but dumps part of the job to the CPU of your
computer. The operation of the modem thus requires an additional piece
of software named a driver.
efax will "see" such a modem as "powered" only if the driver software
is running.
Furthermore, not all Linux drivers for Winmodems support the faxing
protocole, in paticular the widely used SmartLink or equivalent

This is what I meant when I wrote about the need to have the modem
DRIVER running.

Now I do not know anything about your modem.
If it is an EXTERNAL modem connected via the 9 pins D shaped connector
matching one of your SERIAL port, it should work without any driver.

If the modem is internal to the computer or external connected to an
USB port, it is likely but not certain that you need a driver and if
such a driver exists it is not certain that it will support  faxing.

Therefore, to let me answer correctly, unless you have an external
serial true hardware modem, you must run UNDER LINUX the scanModem
utility and send us the file ModemData.txt which it creates.

Instructions to obtain and use scanModem are found at:

I almost never use the PC for faxing because I need to FAX printed and
graphics sheets.
On my Dell laptop, I am the lucky owner of a Conexant winmodem for
which the Linuxant HSF driver supports faxing.

Send us ModemData.txt and we will give you further help.
Take good note that the DRIVER is independent of the use made of the
modem, faxing or internet. When you see, as in ModemData.txt,
instructions to set up your modem, stop once the driver is active,
that is, just before configuration for Internet dialling (we recommend
to use wvdialconf for that purpose, so stop following the instructions
just before that step).

I hope that this is clear.


yefer barandica wrote:
Hi, Jacques, thanks for your help.
Let's go step by step.

I just want to be able of sending and receiving fax with Efax. I think
have to stop thinking about IP and Internet.
I just want to send and receive faxes as I did with the program
Bitware (do you know it?). Nothing to do with internet. I don't need to
use my modem to access internet. I access Internet through LAN.
You say:
Sending a FAX thus proceeds as follows:
1-the modem driver, if any needed other than the built in serial, must
How do I know if my modem or modem driver is running?
Please could you tell me some commands to execute in console (terminal)
that gives me some results that I can send to you where you can analyze
and tell me what is wrong?
When I try to send a fax with Efax nothing happens and the message is:
Socket running on port 9900
efax-0.9a: 10:05:28 opened /dev/ttyS0
efax-0.9a: 10:05:34 sync: dropping DTR
efax-0.9a: 10:05:39 sync: sending escapes
efax-0.9a: 10:05:44 Error: sync: modem not responding
efax-0.9a: 10:05:44 failed page
efax-0.9a: 10:05:44 finished - no response from modem
I really appreciate your time
Thanks a lot
God bless you

As far as I know. it is unfortunately not possible to send FAXes
an IP connexion without susbcribing to such a service - not cheap,
possibly worthy for a large enough business, but certainly not for a
casual user.

Sending a FAX thus proceeds as follows:
1-the modem driver, if any needed other than the built in serial, must
2-A string of characters (under an ad-hoc protocole) is sent to the
Even a simple   cat &lt; fax.txt &gt; /dev/modem   could do it under
condition that fax.txt would start with ATDT1234567 (a typical FAX
number) and be followed by the protocole negotiating the connexion, and
finally by the text to be sent before final disconnect.
3-There are utilities which do the job for you, such as simpler efax or
more elaborated hylafax.

Bottom line: FAX must be sent by dialling the receiving FAX machine,
a fax application such as efax or hylafax, not by dialling any IP
No FAX can be sent through a modem in simultaneous use for an IP
Of course this does not apply if the machine has 2 modems, one for IP,
for FAXing.


Marvin Stodolsky wrote:
&gt; Yefer,
&gt; &gt; I am not erudite in Faxing.
&gt; The attached may be useful.
&gt; It was written for a different modem, but much should be
&gt; &gt; Jacques,
&gt;     I remember your dealing with a similar case. Is it possible to
&gt; without going through an IP Login?
&gt; &gt; MarvS
&gt; &gt; &gt; On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 7:42 PM, yefer barandica
&gt;&gt; Hi Marvs
&gt;&gt; I don't need my modem to access internet. I need it to send
&gt;&gt; phone line.
&gt;&gt; Thanks again
&gt;&gt; --- El mié 4-jun-08, Marvin Stodolsky
&lt;marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx&gt; escribió:
&gt;&gt; De: Marvin Stodolsky &lt;marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx&gt;
&gt;&gt; Asunto: Re: Yefer Barandica López, Colombia kernel
&gt;&gt; A: yeferbar@xxxxxxxxx
&gt;&gt; Fecha: miércoles, 4 junio, 2008, 6:38 pm
&gt;&gt; yefer,
&gt;&gt; Your situation is not clear to me.
&gt;&gt; The role of modem configuration files are to successively:
&gt;&gt; Dial an Internet Provider (IP) phone number
&gt;&gt; Login with a UserName and Password
&gt;&gt; Accept addresses of the IP's Domain Name Services
&gt;&gt; Start PPP services
&gt;&gt; After which you can browse and do other Internet Services.
&gt;&gt; How do you plan to access the IP, without dialing his phone
&gt;&gt; If you have some internal/home IP, you still have to use some
&gt;&gt; like 0 or perhaps 9, to open the modem to the active circuit.
&gt;&gt; MarvS
&gt;&gt; On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 2:29 PM, yefer barandica
&gt;&gt; wrote:
&gt;&gt;&gt; ¿What if there is not a Internet service provider phone
As I
&gt;&gt; already
&gt;&gt;&gt; said there is not a number I or the system have to dial to
navigate in
&gt;&gt;&gt; Internet. Can I leave that space (phone) in blank, I mean,
&gt;&gt;&gt; there?
&gt;&gt;&gt; Thanks again for your help
&gt;&gt;&gt; Yefer
&gt;&gt;&gt; --- El mié 4-jun-08, Marvin Stodolsky
&gt;&gt; escribió:
&gt;&gt;&gt; De: Marvin Stodolsky &lt;marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx&gt;
&gt;&gt;&gt; Asunto: Re: Yefer Barandica López, Colombia kernel
&gt;&gt;&gt; A: yeferbar@xxxxxxxxx
&gt;&gt;&gt; Fecha: miércoles, 4 junio, 2008, 6:44 am
&gt;&gt;&gt; Yefer
&gt;&gt;&gt; Edit the 3   lines of
&gt;&gt;&gt;  /etc/wvdial.conf
&gt;&gt;&gt; beginning with ; , removin the ; &lt; &gt; symbols
&gt;&gt;&gt; Use the internet provider phone number. Edit with:
&gt;&gt;&gt; $ sudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf
&gt;&gt;&gt; Dialout is then done with:
&gt;&gt;&gt; $ sudo wdial
&gt;&gt;&gt; which accesses  /etc/wvdial.conf
&gt;&gt;&gt; in settting up the ppp0 channel for COMM
&gt;&gt;&gt; Make sure you can do a simple dialout before trying fax.
&gt;&gt;&gt; Shut down LAN function COMM
&gt;&gt;&gt; $ sudo ifdown eth0
&gt;&gt;&gt; before trying a dialout, or browser navigation will fail,
&gt;&gt;&gt; will try and fail to use the LAN settings
&gt;&gt;&gt; For efax, check with that List. Often these cheap consumer
&gt;&gt;&gt; not reliabe with fax.
&gt;&gt;&gt; You might have to buy a Controller Chipset modem for fax
&gt;&gt;&gt; the agrmodem+agrrserial is not effective.  I don't have
&gt;&gt;&gt; MarvS
&gt;&gt;&gt; On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 10:00 PM, yefer barandica
&gt;&gt; &lt;yeferbar@xxxxxxxxx&gt;
&gt;&gt;&gt; wrote:
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Hi Marvs, thanks a lot for your help and instructions.
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; I have used
&gt;&gt;&gt;  the file you send me (agrsm_howto.txt) in my job of
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; make my modem works.
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Everything goes right but I have a doubt:
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Do I definitively have to edit the file wvdial.conf? I
mean, I
&gt;&gt; to
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; internet through LAN and not through modem. I'm a
&gt;&gt;&gt; ¿What
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; "phone" is that file talking about? My phone number
or an
&gt;&gt;&gt; internet provider
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; phone number? I need at this moment my modem to send
faxes and
not to
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; connect to internet. Is it the same with "login" and
&gt;&gt;&gt; "password"? Is it
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; talking about things related with an internet service
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; I apologize about my English and I hope you have
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Thanks a lot again.
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Yefer
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; By the way, the file agrsm_howto.txt says
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; This instruction set was provided by Hugo Canilli. He
&gt;&gt; success
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; with this AGRSM code requiring modem, under Linuxes:
&gt;&gt; 6.10,
&gt;&gt;&gt;  7.04, 7.10 and slackware 12.0. Marv Stodolsky lightly
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; My Ubuntu is 8.04 - Hardy Heron, I downloaded one day
&gt;&gt;&gt; definitive
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; version was launched.
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; 00) Be sure than kernel headers are installed. Under
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; they are provided by a package pair with name format
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;     linux-headers-2.6.22-14
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; with 2.6.22-14-generic being the boot kernel version
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; All the files headers I found in my sistem are
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; But I have follow the instructions of the file and
&gt;&gt; right.
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Please help me cause I need to send fax with eFax-gtk.
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; --- El mar 3-jun-08, Marvin Stodolsky
&gt;&gt; &lt;marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx&gt;
&gt;&gt;&gt; escribió:
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; De: Marvin Stodolsky
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Asunto: Re: Yefer Barandica López, Colombia kernel
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; A: "yefer barandica"
&gt;&gt;&gt;  &lt;yeferbar@xxxxxxxxx&gt;, "Jacques
&gt;&gt;&gt; Goldberg"
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; &lt;Jacques.Goldberg@xxxxxxx&gt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Fecha: martes, 3 junio, 2008, 2:07 pm
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Yefer
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; AGRSM - At ,
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; the agrsm-20080203.tar.gz
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Under Linux unpack with:
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; $ tar zxf agr*.tar.gz
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Read the files therein and the attached
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; jacques
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;    put the agrsm_howto.txt  into the
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;  folder
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; MarvS
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; MarvS
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 9:53 PM, yefer barandica
&gt;&gt; &lt;yeferbar@xxxxxxxxx&gt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; wrote:
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