De: Jacques Goldberg [mailto:Jacques.Goldberg@xxxxxxx] Enviado el: vie 02/05/2008 16:36 Para: PEDRO MACANAS VALVERDE CC: discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Asunto: Re: Improving USB support >Pedro, >Again ? . I have no notice before. > wvdialconf is to detect the modem and configure a data file necessasry for wvdial to establish a communication.. >For winmodems I prefer softmodems (they also can be used in Linux). My modem is not a softmodem, it is a USB cellular hardmodem (Huawei E220). >a DRIVER is necessary to make the modem exist. It is included in the Kernel. >Pedro, scanModem is a utility program to be used to find out which driver you need to install for a given hardware. >scanModem, if you follow the instructions ( ALWAYS works but not all Winmodems have a driver matching the finding of scanModem. No, it does not always find the modem. It works but cannot reach the target (objective) : scan the modem. >It seems to me that you expect the same effect from two programs which do not have the same purpo So, scanModem also offers information about modem DETECTION ( identify or recognizing modems ). See Also in the ModemData.txt, you see the next line: "USB modem not detected by lsusb" So USB modem detection in ScanModem would be improved. For USB modem autodetection and for configuration, I use GNOME PPP ( ), based on Wvdialconf /Wvdial. In any case, I think there would be "bridges" between the different packages. Regards.