Hi, I can't find anywhere specifically for reporting scanModem bugs. I've had a minor issue when trying to run scanModem (on ubuntu 7.10, but I don't think that matters). According to SETDATE, my version of scanModem is quite recent: SETDATE="SETDATE=2008_04_15,week_15" I wasn't aware, but apparently I have gccxml installed: brian@russell:~/tmp/scanModem$ which gccxml gccxml_cc1plus /usr/bin/gccxml /usr/bin/gccxml_cc1plus This causes scanModem to hang while gccxml just sits there doing nothing when called with -dumpversion, so I had to make the following change to GCCtests: brian@russell:~/tmp/scanModem$ diff scanModem scanModem.old 290c290 < GCCtests=$(ls /usr/bin/gcc* | grep -v gccbug | grep -v gccmakedep | grep -v gccxml 2>/dev/null) --- > GCCtests=$(ls /usr/bin/gcc* | grep -v gccbug | grep -v gccmakedep 2>/dev/null) Works fine after that. Should be easy enough to include in the next update. Thanks, Brian