Re: MotorolaSM56, INDONESIA kernel 2.6.20-15-generic

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1) a trivia. Don't bother with
$  modprobe snd-intel8x0m
as your cogent drivers are snd-hda-intel + its dependents which
autoload at bootup in support of audio functions, plus low level modem

If would be good infact to:
$ sudo gedit   /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-modem
and edit lines to:
blacklist snd-atiixp-modem
blacklist snd-via82xx-modem
blacklist snd-intel8x0m
as these drivers are useless for your modem and use some RAM space.
They are for AC97 class modems and not your HDA hosted type

2) If indeed you did left running
$ slmodemd --alsa -c INDONESIA hw:0,6
while opening another console or TAB for
$ sudo wvdial
Then all you have done is technically OK  for your
00-06: Si3054 Modem : Si3054 Modem : playback 1 : capture 1
00-02: ALC883 Analog : ALC883 Analog : capture 2
00-00: ALC883 Analog : ALC883 Analog : playback 1 : capture 2

you should proceed with an ALSA upgrade as described in:


On 10/8/07, Robikhun (robihun) <robihun@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I tried to use new version of scanModem nad this is the result.
> I think there is no change for my case with Ubuntu Feisty, but I still
> can not dial up to internet.
> My step to install slmodemd is just as the following
>                 $ tar zxf SLMODEMD.gcc4.1.tar.gz
> And copykan to directory /usr/sbin
> $ sudo cp /tmp/slmodemd /usr/sbin/
> Based on file 1st_Read.txt I continue with
> $ modprobe snd-intel8x0m
> $ slmodemd --alsa -c INDONESIA hw:0,6
>                 This slmodemd command creates the modem port and a
> /dev/ttySL0 symbolic link to it:
>  /dev/ttySL0 --> /dev/pts/6
> $ sudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf
> [Dialer Defaults]
> Modem = /dev/ttySL0
> Init1 = ATZ
> Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
> ; Stupid Mode = yes
> Modem Type = Analog
> Modem Phone = 92080989999
> New PPPD = yes
> ISDN = 0
> Username = telkomnet@instan
> Carrier Check = no
> Password = telkom
> Baud = 460800
> $ sudo wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf Editing `/etc/wvdial.conf'.
> Modem Port Scan<*1>: S0   S1   S2   S3
> WvModem<*1>: Cannot get information for serial port.
> ttySL0<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 -- OK
> ttySL0<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 Z -- OK
> ttySL0<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 -- OK
> ttySL0<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 -- OK
> ttySL0<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 -- OK
> ttySL0<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0 -- OK
> ttySL0<*1>: Modem Identifier: ATI -- SmartLink Soft Modem
> ttySL0<*1>: Speed 4800: AT -- OK
> ttySL0<*1>: Speed 9600: AT -- OK
> ttySL0<*1>: Speed 19200: AT -- OK
> ttySL0<*1>: Speed 38400: AT -- OK
> ttySL0<*1>: Speed 57600: AT -- OK
> ttySL0<*1>: Speed 115200: AT -- OK
> ttySL0<*1>: Speed 230400: AT -- OK
> ttySL0<*1>: Speed 460800: AT -- OK
> ttySL0<*1>: Max speed is 460800; that should be safe.
> ttySL0<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0 -- OK
> Found a modem on /dev/ttySL0.
> Modem configuration written to /etc/wvdial.conf.
> ttySL0<Info>: Speed 460800; init "ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0"
> $ sudo wvdial
> --> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.56 Cannot get information for
> --> serial port.
> --> Initializing modem.
> --> Sending: ATZ
> OK
> --> Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
> ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
> OK
> --> Modem initialized.
> --> Sending: ATDT92080989999
> --> Waiting for carrier.
> ATDT92080989999
> Is there any miss step I taken?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> CPU=i686,
> Linux version 2.6.20-15-generic (root@palmer) (gcc version 4.1.2 (Ubuntu
> 4.1.2-0ubuntu4)) #2 SMP Sun Apr 15 07:36:31 UTC 2007
>  scanModem update of:  2007_Oct_07
>  There are no blacklisted modem drivers in /etc/modprobe*  files
> USB modem not detected by lsusb
> Several modems are supported by drivers with ALSA, the Advanced Linux
> Sound Architecture software.
> Copying ALSA diagnostics to Modem/ALSArobihun.tgz
> ALSAversion = 1.0.13
> Modem or candidate host audio card have firmware information and
> diagnostics:
>  PCI slot       PCI ID          SubsystemID     Name
>  ----------     ---------       ---------       --------------
>  00:1b.0        8086:27d8       1558:5405       Audio device: Intel
> Corporation 82801G
>  Modem interrupt assignment and sharing:
>  21:       1303          0   IO-APIC-fasteoi   HDA Intel
>  --- Bootup diagnostics for card in PCI slot 00:1b.0 ----
> [   21.404000] ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:1b.0[A] -> GSI 22 (level,
> low) -> IRQ 21
> [   21.404000] PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:1b.0 to 64
>  === Finished modem firmware and bootup diagnostics section. ===
>  === Next deducing cogent software ===
>   The High Defintion Audio card with PCI ID 8086:27d8 may host a soft
> modem chip.
> 8086:27d8 is a High Definition Audio card, possibly hosting a soft
> modem.
> Bootup diagnostics lack ALSA data.
>  The HDA modem codec file is: /proc/asound/card0/codec#1
> -----------------------------------
> Codec: Motorola Si3054
> Address: 1
> Vendor Id: 0x10573055
> Subsystem Id: 0x10573055
> Revision Id: 0x100700
>  The audio card hosts a softmodem chip with Vendor ID:  0x10573055
>  For candidate modem in PCI bus:  00:1b.0
>    Class 0403: 8086:27d8 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G
>       Primary PCI_id  8086:27d8
>     Subsystem PCI_id  1558:5405
>     Softmodem codec or Vendor from diagnostics: Motorola_Si3054, a
> Motorola type.
>                               from    Archives: 10573055_Motorola_Si3054
>        Diagnostics and the Archive data DISAGREE
>  This is a NEW softmodem case!  Please send the output ModemData.txt
>  to DISCUSS@xxxxxxxxxxxxx to enrich the Archive and help others!
>  If further assistance is not needed, please use email Subject:
>      New Case Only
>  -------------------------------------------
>  Lacking a dsp (digital signal processing) chip, the modem is a software
>  intensive or "softmodem" type. Its primary controller manages the
> traffic
>  with the CPU. But the software needed is specified in the Subsystem.
>  -----------------------------------------
> Support type needed or chipset: slmodemd
>  An ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) modem driver:
> snd-hda-intel
>  provides Low Level support enabling contact with the modem hardware.
>  For all BUT Conexant chip soft modems (using hsfmodem software)
>  complementary High Level support is through a Smartlink utility:
> slmodemd
>  Download from
>  the package SLMODEMD.gcc4.1.tar.gz having a compiled slmodemd. Unpack
> under Linux with:
>         $ tar zxf SLMODEMD.gcc4.1.tar.gz
>  and read instructions therein. But briefly, the modem is setup with
> command:
>         sudo slmodemd -c YOUR_COUNTRY --alsa hw:0,6
>  reporting dynamic creation of ports:
>         /dev/ttySL0 --> /dev/pts/N   , with N some number
>  Read Smartlink.txt and Modem/YourSystem.txt for follow through
> guidance.
>  Already loaded into the kernel is snd-hda-intel and audio drivers it
> depends on,
>  displayed by:  lsmod | grep snd_hda_intel
> Module                  Size  Used by
> -------------------------------------
> snd_hda_intel          21912  1
> snd_hda_codec         205440  1 snd_hda_intel
> snd_pcm                79876  3 snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec,snd_pcm_oss
> snd                    54020  12
> snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_seq_os
> s,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq,snd_timer,snd_seq_device
> snd_page_alloc         10888  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm
> The diagnostic outputs for this softmodem section have their raw
> information in
> folders and text files under /proc/asound/ which you can browse. The
> information
> is from files:
>         /proc/asound/pcm
> -------------------------------
> 00-06: Si3054 Modem : Si3054 Modem : playback 1 : capture 1
> 00-02: ALC883 Analog : ALC883 Analog : capture 2
> 00-00: ALC883 Analog : ALC883 Analog : playback 1 : capture 2
>         /proc/asound/modules
> -------------------------------
>  0 snd_hda_intel
>         10573055
> -------------------------------
> -------------------------------
> Current support status of HDA cards is:
>   Vendor IDs  Chip maker     Support type
>   ----------  ----------    -------------
>   0x14f12bfa  Conexant      hsfmodem , not slmodemd compatible
>   0x14f12c06  Conexant      hsfmodem , not slmodemd compatible
>   0x11c1040  AgereSystems  snd-hda-intel + slmodemd, support not
> estabished
>   All others currently supported
>         /proc/asound/card0/codec#1
> -------------------------------
> and from the command:
>         aplay -l | grep -i modem
> card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 6: Si3054 Modem [Si3054 Modem]
> ----------------end Softmodem section --------------
> Writing Intel.txt
> Writing Smartlink.txt
> ============ end Smartlink section =====================
>  Completed candidate modem analyses.
>  The base of the UDEV device file system is: /dev/.udev
>  Versions adequately match for the compiler installed: 4.1.2
>              and the compiler used in kernel assembly: 4.1.2
>  Minimal compiling resources appear complete:
>    make utility - /usr/bin/make
>    Compiler version 4.1
>    linuc_headers base folder /lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/build
>  However some compilations and executable functions may need additional
> files,
>  in the FileNames.h (so called kernel "h"eaders) collection installed in
> /usr/include/ .
>  For martian_modem, additional required packages are libc6-dev (and for
> Debian/Ubuntu,  linux-libc-dev). The also required headers of package
> libc6 are commonly installed by default.
> If a driver compilation files with message including some lack of some
> FileName.h (stdio.h for example.
> Some additional kernel-header files need installation to /usr/include.
> For Debian/Ubuntu related distributions, run the following command to
> display the needed package list:
> $ sudo apt-get -s install linux-kernel-devel
> While some of the files may be on the install CD, others may have to be
> found through
> For Ubuntu Feisty, additional packages required were:
>  libc6-dev linux-libc-dev
> available through , if not on the install
> CD.
> Such packages may have different names for other Linux distributions.
> Try installing just the libc6-dev, then test the compile again.
> Checking pppd properties:
>         -rwsr-xr-x 1 root dip 269224 2007-04-05 10:41 /usr/sbin/pppd
> In case of an "error 17" "serial loopback" problem, see:
> To enable dialout without Root permission do:
>         $ su - root  (not for Ubuntu)
>         sudo chmod a+x /usr/sbin/pppd
> or under Ubuntu related Linuxes
>         sudo chmod a+x /usr/sbin/pppd
> Checking settings of:   /etc/ppp/options
> asyncmap 0
> noauth
> crtscts
> lock
> hide-password
> modem
> proxyarp
> lcp-echo-interval 30
> lcp-echo-failure 4
> noipx
> In case of a message like:
>    Warning: Could not modify /etc/ppp/pap-secrets: Permission denied
> see
> Read Modem/YourSystem.txt concerning other COMM channels: eth0 eth1
> eth0:avah eth1:avah
> Which can interfere with Browser naviagation.
>  Don't worry about the following, it is for the experts
>  should trouble shooting be necessary.
> ==========================================================
>  Checking for modem support lines:
>  --------------------------------------
>      /device/modem symbolic link:
> slmodemd created symbolic link /dev/ttySL0:
>      Within /etc/udev/ files:
>      Within /etc/modprobe.conf files:
> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-modem~:# Uncomment these entries in order to
> blacklist unwanted modem drivers
> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-modem~:# blacklist snd-atiixp-modem
> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-modem~:# blacklist snd-via82xx-modem
> /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base:options snd-atiixp-modem index=-2
> /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base:options snd-via82xx-modem index=-2
> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-modem:# Uncomment these entries in order to
> blacklist unwanted modem drivers
> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-modem:# blacklist snd-atiixp-modem
> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-modem:# blacklist snd-via82xx-modem
>      Within any ancient /etc/devfs files:
>      Within ancient kernel 2.4.n /etc/module.conf files:
> --------- end modem support lines --------

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