Re: help - chile (PCTel)

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Hi Arturo,

Sorry I didn't pick up on this sooner.  I have been working away and
not had time to look through my mailing list emails.

The error you describe is symptomatic of SuSE and I get the same thing
on OpenSuSE 10.2.  The kernel sources are installed, but it seems that
the includes are split between /usr/src and /lib/modules/.../build.

I now have a patched version of the configure script which will appear
in the rht-8 release as soon as I can get it shipped.

I you would like me to email it to you in the interim, let me know
and I'll send it to you to try.

As to the device node not being present - Marv is correct in that this
is created at runtime on most systems.  If the install script runs
properly it should set all this up for you.

Best regards,


Arturo Ignacio Partarrieu Ramos wrote:
Mr Jaques Goldberg and Mr Marvin Stodolsky,

I used th scanModem tool from
then as I was informed I used de pctel-0.9.7-9-rht-7 archive from
and following each step, but I got this error message (attached file)

I don't know what else to do

On 9/29/07, Marvin Stodolsky <marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

 Get the pctel-0.9.7-9-rht-7.tar.gz
 Unpack under Linux with:
    tar zxf pctel*.tar.gz
 and read instuctions therein.
  Read Pctel.txt and Modem/YourSystem.txt for follow through guidance.

On 9/29/07, Arturo Ignacio Partarrieu Ramos <suscripciones78@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am trying to install my HSP modem in OpenSuse Linux 10, is my first
time working on the kernel.

Can you help me, because i get some errors in the instalation.


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