On 5/9/24 16:53, Miklos Vajna wrote:
+ MAR-based updater will be enabled by default on Windows, but not
Linux (Hossein)
+ rpm/deb update is handled by distro packages
+ for the ones taking binaries from TDF
+ TDF to provide rpm/deb repos?
+ the files are hosted already
+ just the repo defs are missing
+ suggesting to provide these repos
+ proposal is to povide repos and ignore MAR on Linux for now
+ interested in doing the scripting work? (Miklos)
+ the important part is the description / dependencies (Hossein)
+ willing to help
+ linux downloads are 2% of TDF downloads (Cloph)
+ so not a huge amount, but not objecting
+ only the the ones which are covered by rpm/deb binaries
+ what is the lag between Ubuntu-provided packages / TDF
releases? (Olivier)
+ the package from Ubuntu follows TDF quickly
+ similar with Debian, thanks to Rene (Cloph)
+ with actively supported versions
+ see LibreOffice 7.3.7 for Ubuntu 22.04
https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/libreoffice (Hossein)
And, just to mention it again, for Linux there's also always the Flatpak
version on Flathub,
<https://flathub.org/apps/org.libreoffice.LibreOffice>. I'm still
providing builds there on a somewhat voluntary basis, usually as soon as
a new version of LO gets released.