Jonathan Gazeley wrote:
Andy Furniss wrote:
That's strange - so there are no vlans involved and tcpdump -nnei eth0
only sees traffic coming in?
Nope, no vlans. And yes, both tcpdump and tethereal see only on the
outgoing (i.e. clients to internet) ack packets, but not the actual
incoming data packets. Like I said, it can't be a routing problem
because the only physical route those packets can take between the NAT
clients and the internet is via eth0 on this box. All four interfaces on
the box I'm using are Intel ones, so not just some cheap rubbish!
Probably unlikely to be drivers too?
That's very strange - If the drivers are in the kernel and the kernel is
recent then you would hope it's not them, but it's something to suspect.
Yep - just tried this too. Again, this appears to have zero effect on
the bandwidth. Client 1 still downloads flatly at 166kb/s and Client 2
at 250kb/s. Something pretty weird is going on. Actually a colleague
here has offered to set up a Cisco router to do the shaping and let my
box just do the NAT. Start of term is imminent and this MUST be live
within a week! Thanks for all your help though, you've been excellent
and I've learned loads of stuff. As a relative beginner with Linux, this
is yet another experience where something didn't work as it should,
despite the advice of documentation, colleagues, lists, websites, etc...
It seems you've been unlucky, I can't really explain what you see.
Hope the Cisco goes OK for you.
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