[ANNOUNCE] IPP2P 0.6 released

Linux Advanced Routing and Traffic Control

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Hi list,

today IPP2P 0.6 was released. This is mainly a cleanup and maintenance
update. The following things have changed:

--gnu extended
Since some Shareaza packets were able to bypass the gnutella filter of IPP2P
0.5c it was extended to match these packets as well. Thanks at Tim Carr for
the info.

--edk extended
Some new patterns for eMule and Kademlia were introduced. This will be
extended with the next update again - well at least I hope so. ;-)

The match function of the kernel module contained many similar lines of
code. These were combined thus reducing redundancy and making the code more
readable. Thanks at Joerg Hoh for the idea.

The sources and Makefile for kernel series 2.4 and 2.6 are finally merged
together. There's only one version of IPP2P supporting both series. Tested
with 2.4.26 and 2.6.4. Any feedback and comments on this are highly

You can download the source tarball at:

Best regards

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