* alexandru matei <alex@xxxxx>: > 1/ using default outbound shaping on eth1 (outside interface) for > outgoing and outbound shaping on eth0 (inside interface) for incoming > 2/ using default outbound shaping on eth1 (outside interface) for > outgoing and inbound shaping (with IMQ) on eth1 (outside interface) for > incoming > ... > Which combination do you recommand? Any reason for your recommandation? I have the same problem and thinking of an third strategy: 3/ Splitting the outside interface into two virtual interfaces: eth0:0 for incoming, eth0:1 for outgoing traffic and routing the two interfaces that both traffic seems to go out of the interface. Bad english maybe, but probably totally wrong, too. Kai -- * mail kai.weber@xxxxxxxxxxx web http://www.glorybox.de pgp 0x594D4132