IMHO u32 with hashes could be used for this. Other interesting way is that CBQ & HTB allows you to set packet's class from priority. When priority is 0x10003 then the packet is queued directly into 1:3 queue. You can simly modify classifier (in fact I will do it for HTB) to allow such selection thru fwmark. You can then mark flows by iptables .... --set-mark 0x10003 to assign packet into 1:3 class .. HTH, devik On Sat, 8 Dec 2001, yangrunhua wrote: > If I want to limit bandwidth from a lot of ip addresses( every ip has a > limit), > How could I improve performance( If I could use netfilter to mark the > ip packet with the bandwidth assigned to > the src ip of packet), normally, this could only be done only by: one > qdisc per ip, then there will be too many > filters to classify them based on fwmark(and u32 + hash can't satisfy my > demand that limit bandwidth for every ip, not for ip group), > but it try to match line by line, then if many, the performance will go > down. > Many thanks >