Am 2019-06-28 11:53, schrieb Stefan Hajnoczi:
On Sun, Jun 23, 2019 at 03:46:29PM +0200, Rainer Duffner wrote:
I have huge problems running FreeBSD 12 (amd64) as a KVM guest.
KVM is running on Ubuntu 18 LTS, in an OpenStack setup with dedicated
Ceph-Storage (NVMe SSDs).
The VM „flavor" as such is that IOPs are limited to 2000/s - and I do
get those 2k IOPs when I run e.g. CentOS 7.
But on FreeBSD, I get way less.
E.g. running dc3dd to write zeros to a disk, I get 120 MB/s on CentOS
With FreeBSD, I get 9 MB/s.
The VMs were created on an OpenSuSE 42.3 host with the commands
described here:
This mimics the results we got on XenServer, where also some people
reported the same problems but other people had no problems at all.
Feedback from the FreeBSD community suggests that the problem is not
unheard of, but also not universally reproducible.
So, I assume it must be some hypervisor misconfiguration?
I’m NOT the administrator of the KVM hosts. I can ask them tomorrow,
I’d like to get some ideas on what to look for on the hosts directly,
if that makes sense.
Hi Rainer,
Maybe it's the benchmark. Can you share the exact command-line you are
running on CentOS 7 and FreeBSD?
The blocksize and amount of parallelism (queue depth or number of
processes/threads) should be identical on CentOS and FreeBSD. The
benchmark should open the file with O_DIRECT. It should not fsync()
(flush) after every write request.
If you are using large blocksizes (>256 KB) then perhaps the guest I/O
stack is splitting them up differently on FreeBSD and Linux.
Here is a sequential write benchmark using dd:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/vdX oflag=direct bs=4k count=1048576
on advice from my coworker, I created the image like this:
openstack image create --file ../freebsd-image/freebsd12_v1.41.qcow2
--disk-format qcow2 --min-disk 6 --min-ram 512 --private --protected
--property hw_scsi_model=virtio-scsi --property hw_disk_bus=scsi
--property hw_qemu_guest_agent=yes --property os_distro=freebsd
--property os_version="12.0" "FreeBSD 12.0 amd 64 take3"
This time, I got a bit better results:
root@rdu5:~ # fio -filename=/srv/test2.fio_test_file -direct=1 -iodepth
4 -thread -rw=randrw -ioengine=psync -bs=4k -size 8G -numjobs=4
-runtime=60 -group_reporting -name=pleasehelpme
pleasehelpme: (g=0): rw=randrw, bs=(R) 4096B-4096B, (W) 4096B-4096B, (T)
4096B-4096B, ioengine=psync, iodepth=4
Starting 4 threads
pleasehelpme: Laying out IO file (1 file / 8192MiB)
Jobs: 4 (f=4): [m(4)][100.0%][r=1461KiB/s,w=1409KiB/s][r=365,w=352
IOPS][eta 00m:00s]
pleasehelpme: (groupid=0, jobs=4): err= 0: pid=100120: Fri Jun 28
15:44:42 2019
read: IOPS=368, BW=1473KiB/s (1508kB/s)(86.3MiB/60005msec)
clat (usec): min=8, max=139540, avg=6534.89, stdev=5761.10
lat (usec): min=13, max=139548, avg=6542.68, stdev=5761.00
clat percentiles (usec):
| 1.00th=[ 13], 5.00th=[ 17], 10.00th=[ 25], 20.00th=[
| 30.00th=[ 3032], 40.00th=[ 4555], 50.00th=[ 5538], 60.00th=[
| 70.00th=[ 8160], 80.00th=[10290], 90.00th=[13829],
| 99.00th=[25822], 99.50th=[28967], 99.90th=[37487],
| 99.99th=[51643]
bw ( KiB/s): min= 972, max= 2135, per=97.21%, avg=1430.93,
stdev=55.37, samples=476
iops : min= 242, max= 532, avg=356.10, stdev=13.86,
write: IOPS=373, BW=1496KiB/s (1532kB/s)(87.6MiB/60005msec)
clat (usec): min=13, max=46140, avg=4174.36, stdev=2834.86
lat (usec): min=19, max=46146, avg=4182.13, stdev=2835.08
clat percentiles (usec):
| 1.00th=[ 40], 5.00th=[ 90], 10.00th=[ 1012], 20.00th=[
| 30.00th=[ 2474], 40.00th=[ 3097], 50.00th=[ 3949], 60.00th=[
| 70.00th=[ 5145], 80.00th=[ 6063], 90.00th=[ 7439], 95.00th=[
| 99.00th=[13435], 99.50th=[15401], 99.90th=[20055],
| 99.99th=[36439]
bw ( KiB/s): min= 825, max= 2295, per=97.26%, avg=1453.99,
stdev=66.67, samples=476
iops : min= 206, max= 572, avg=361.90, stdev=16.66,
lat (usec) : 10=0.03%, 20=4.14%, 50=3.47%, 100=2.29%, 250=2.04%
lat (usec) : 500=0.06%, 750=0.51%, 1000=0.71%
lat (msec) : 2=7.38%, 4=22.88%, 10=44.07%, 20=10.86%, 50=1.55%
lat (msec) : 100=0.01%, 250=0.01%
cpu : usr=0.11%, sys=2.08%, ctx=83384, majf=0, minf=0
IO depths : 1=100.0%, 2=0.0%, 4=0.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%,
submit : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%,
complete : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%,
issued rwts: total=22092,22436,0,0 short=0,0,0,0 dropped=0,0,0,0
latency : target=0, window=0, percentile=100.00%, depth=4
Run status group 0 (all jobs):
READ: bw=1473KiB/s (1508kB/s), 1473KiB/s-1473KiB/s
(1508kB/s-1508kB/s), io=86.3MiB (90.5MB), run=60005-60005msec
WRITE: bw=1496KiB/s (1532kB/s), 1496KiB/s-1496KiB/s
(1532kB/s-1532kB/s), io=87.6MiB (91.9MB), run=60005-60005msec
Which is more or less half (or a third) of what I got on CentOS.
Still, that's not acceptable for us.
In any case, the documentation on the OpenStack website is outdated at