Kevin Krammer posted on Thu, 13 Dec 2012 10:34:56 +0100 as excerpted: > On Thursday, 2012-12-13, Duncan wrote: > >> First, a quick request. Please refrain from posting HTML to the kde >> lists[.] Plain text is good. =:^) > > This could be a problem of your setup. The mail of Burgess Wong contains > both a plain text version and a HTML version (multipart/mixed). > > This allows the recipient's mail reader to display whatever its user > prefers, in my case the plain text version. Seems your mail reader > thinks you prefer the HTML version. My client is actually showing both, as text, one after the other (without a separator, not even so much as a line feed, so the plain text sig is immediately followed on the same line by the opening html tag, which I'd call a bug, but...). That means it's showing the raw/ugly HTML code, but I do see all text parts, which can be critical. (I've seen buggy mail composers that send a blank "plain text" part, fooling many clients that display only one into displaying a blank post until the HTML or raw-text view is chosen. That problem's avoided if all text parts are displayed.) If it's worth the bother both to post and to ask others to read, I believe it's worth sending in plain text. If it has to be dressed up in HTML, that's an indication that the sender themselves didn't think the message was worth the trouble in plain text -- they had to dress it up in fancy HTML to make it look presentable. Of course that's assuming they're not deliberately taking advantage of the HTML to try to avoid the anti-spam filters (some spammers hide text intended to fool the anti-spam- filters in HTML sections not normally shown to the reader) or to propagate spyware (webbugs being a rather common technique) or malware. It also ignores those who simply aren't aware, but that's why I make the request, as I've found many quickly comply once they're made aware of the issue. Thus, if I'm already attempting to answer their question and the message text wasn't plain text only, I address both the plain-text/html point, and the question. (I make it a point not to reply ONLY to mention the HTML. If I don't believe I might have something potentially helpful in response to their question, I don't reply at all), I do try to make the request for plain text only. They're always free to ignore it, of course, just as I'm always free to killfile them if I find they are doing so[1]. But most of the time people simply weren't aware, and once they're asked and thus are made aware, they're happy to switch. =:^) --- [1] I've been known to compare posting in HTML to sliming one's hand with snot, then offering to shake someone's hand with it. It's unsanitary, and just because the other person happens to be wearing metaphorical gloves in the form of a client that doesn't actually act on the HTML, doesn't make the act any less offensive; neither does society's unfortunate acceptance thereof, tho it does mean it's not necessarily being intentionally rude. But once the request has been made and the person becomes aware of their sliming-n-shaking behavior, continuing it does mean I take further protective measures, including killfiling, should it come to that. Fortunately it very seldom does. -- Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs. "Every nonfree program has a lord, a master -- and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman ___________________________________________________ This message is from the kde mailing list. Account management: Archives: More info: