Download a DEMO Here 7 Hours of Photoshop Video Training - $19.95 Adobe Photoshop CS Adobe Photoshop CS is a professional tool for editing digital
images. With Photoshop Tutorials on Video, you'll get to peek over the shoulder
of a professional graphic designer and learn at your own pace. With access to
more than 7 hours of Photoshop instruction, you'll discover the secrets of
editing digital photos like a pro, how-to create cool objects for web sites, and
learn a myriad of other useful tricks - all in one comprehensive step-by-step
7 hours of Video Training All Photoshop tutorials are presented in crystal-clear 1024x768
video quality, and are available to you as a downloadable file. No streaming, no
activation, no copyright protection - simply download a file and watch it as
many times as you like. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but a video
explains things far more clearly and concisely. To see for yourself, try our
free demo and discover how easy working in Adobe Photoshop can be.
Editing Digital Photos Digital photography is one of the fastest-growing tech markets,
but learning how image editing software works hasn't been easy. With this set of
clearly-worded Photoshop tutorials, you can enter the digital photography world
at your own pace and discover ways to improve your imagery with Adobe Photoshop.
We'll show you how-to remove distracting objects, assemble panoramas, restore
damaged photos, remove red-eye, adjust color, and address a myriad of other
digital photo issues and projects.
Step By Step Course "I wish I had known about this video before. I've bought four
books, but this set of Photoshop tutorials gave me much more." "Books are great
as a quick reference, but if you really want to learn how-to edit digital
photos, Photoshop Tutorials on Video is the way to go. It's so much easier to
follow! Thanks for your great service!" - Don Bryant, Woodland Hills, CA
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