Dear KDE specialists, I've been looking for a nice window manager to substitute my windowmaker. I've gone through couple of them but couldn't find crucial for me feature: facility for specific application or window to don't bind shortcuts to the KDE-defined... let me describe it in details I'm using VNC client 99% of my work time. So what is important is to have all my shortcuts to be resolved not in local session but on remote host. WindowMaker has such feature as 'do not bind keyboard shortcuts' defined per window basis. This suits my needs 100%. So whenever I press something while being focused in VNC window - I get response on remote system not locally Thank you in advance for clarifying this question because I couldn't find answer wondering around KDE setup -- Yaroslav Halchenko Research Assistant, Psychology Department, Rutgers Office (973) 353-5440 x263 Ph.D. Student CS Dept. NJIT Key GPG fingerprint 3BB6 E124 0643 A615 6F00 6854 8D11 4563 75C0 24C8 ___________________________________________________ . Account management: Archives: More info: