Dear Mr Daley,
At 05:57 PM 19-04-2020, Jay Daley wrote:
Another way of looking at this is that the IESG have a set of
responsibilities (delegated authorities if you prefer) as does the
IETF Executive Director and as does the IRTF Chair, and if those get
together to coordinate on how they do their work and do not exceed
any of their responsibilities then why does that need a label or
formal recognition? Or is it your view that a) the responsibilities
have been exceeded; or b) this type coordination across roles needs
community consensus approval before it is allowed to happen? Your
note implies b) rather than a) which seems surprising so I suspect
I'm just missing a nuance.
There is a policy (BCP) about the meeting stuff. It sets guidance
for the IASA. Are you are referring to that as the delegated
authority? There isn't anything in there about delegated authority
for the IESG. The IETF LLC gets to decide whether the IESG should be
part of some management team. A person operating at Management level
is deemed to have understood the limits of his/her "authority".
S. Moonesamy