On 4/10/20 11:57 PM, Nico Williams wrote:
Not all IANA registries require RFC publication to trigger registration. The above seems to imply otherwise. FCS, Expert Review type registries don't need an RFC or I-D, though you can have an I-D, and you can never progress it to publication as an RFC, and still get your registration. The idea that all registrations come from the IETF strikes me as very, very wrong. IANA doesn't only serve the IETF. And not all registrants speak for the IETF -- often not even remotely.
I also have this concern. There are some individual submissions for non-IETF consensus specifications (sometimes vendor specifications) that have IANA registries, and at least on some occasions this situation is desirable. If the document is an IETF consensus document, then IETF is probably the right choice, but I can imagine scenarios in which it's not.
(I really wish, in hindsight, for instance, that we had delegated URN namespace assignment to another organization with more core competence in this area. IETF, IMO, has really botched it. But that's just one example.)