On 11-Mar-20 08:42, Salz, Rich wrote: >> The IESG and the IRTF Chair have been assessing the viability of the in-person meeting based on the community’s ability to be productive. Assessment of health concerns has been the job of the LLC, on a separate track. > > Could the LLC have cancelled the meeting? How separate were the tracks? The IESG didn't consider health concerns at all? > > To put it in common business terms, I think we're owed a root cause analysis of the full decision-making process by all parties. Why? (I do agree that those terms are common business buzzwords.) You may not share my perception, which is that most of the company travel bans that have emerged in the last few weeks are just the standard reaction by accounting departments to a business downturn, and nothing directly to do with health risks. And the IESG has reacted to the consequences of those travel bans for the practical aspects of the meeting, again nothing directly to do with health risks. I see no value in the details of that beyond what Alissa just said. Brian