Hi Jim,
At 10:20 AM 01-11-2019, Jim Fenton wrote:
My question is mostly about the practicalities of how attendees will
be able to use GitHub if the block is still in place then. We are
doing an increasing amount of IETF work in GitHub, and attendees
need access to it to do other work as well. If we can negotiate an
arrangement that will exempt the IETF network from the block, that
would (IMO) be a minimally acceptable solution. Of course, attendees
staying offsite would still need to use a VPN or something to access
GitHub from their hotel, AirBNB, etc. and that's still a bad situation.
I took a quick look at the IETF soon-to-be-published policy on the
matter. It only provides guidance about meeting rotation. The
document which might be of use would be the one about the selection
criteria. From a technical perspective, the Internet service for the
IETF would likely be unmodified and unfiltered. There was a takedown
notice [1] which was published a few days ago. That notice is in
line with the IAB considerations about how to perform
filtering. Furthermore, a person from the country where the meeting
will be hosted confirmed that access to a working group repository is
working correctly.
Does the IETF LLC have any grounds to negotiate an arrangement?
S. Moonesamy
1. http://r.elandsys.com/r/69452