Thank you all for your unicast, multicast replies and the educated pieces of information sent. I even went in the Internet history museum ;-) Based on the provided information, I will recommend to the draft-zhu-intarea-gma authors:
Now, it would nice to have a volunteer to write a document to finally document those “Any bla” protocol number by putting common sense restrictions/constraints on them (protocols 9/IGP, 61/host internal, 63/local
network, 68/distributed FS, 99/private encryption scheme, 114/0-hop). Regards -éric From:
Int-area <int-area-bounces@xxxxxxxx> on behalf of Eric Vyncke <evyncke@xxxxxxxxx> The authors of would like to use IP protocol 114 as it is described as “Any 0-hop protocol” on the IANA page[1]. Alas, on the IANA page, there is no
reference to this “Any 0-hop protocol”. Obviously, we all understand that this must be a protocol using hop limit = 0 (or TTL=0 for the legacy protocol).
When there is no reference for a IANA number, this means that this number was assigned _before_ IANA, possibly by J. Postel and nobody at IANA and in the IESG know more. Hence,
my questions to the community: Q1) does anyone know about a more formal reference / specification for this protocol 114 Q2) does anyone know about a RFC or a protocol using this protocol 114 ? Please note that I do not ask for comments/reviews on the draft itself (they are welcome though on the
int-area@xxxxxxxx mailing list even if this is not a WG document). And it is also mostly obvious that only one transport layer can exist on the top of this protocol. Regards, -éric (INT AD) [1]