Re: Yangdoctors early review of draft-ietf-bfd-unsolicited-01

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On Wed, Aug 21, 2019 at 10:33:01PM +0000, Reshad Rahman (rrahman) wrote:
> And this is what the changes would look like.

That looks fine to me.  I don't expect it to be controversial.

-- Jeff

> On 2019-08-21, 4:14 PM, "Reshad Rahman (rrahman)" <rrahman@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>     Hi Jeff,
>     Yes, to me it makes sense to do the change suggested by Martin (add "default tx-rx-intervals;" to the choice statement). BFD YANG co-authors, please respond asap if you disagree.
>     Regards,
>     Reshad.
>     On 2019-08-21, 4:11 PM, "Jeffrey Haas" <jhaas@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>         Reshad,
>         If procedures permit it (I'm unclear on the detail), does it make sense to
>         pull the BFD yang module for a fix from the editor queue?
>         -- Jeff
>         On Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 07:31:27PM +0000, Reshad Rahman (rrahman) wrote:
>         > I was looking at an old copy of the doc which didn't have default. So yes, mandatory doesn't make sense with the default statements.
>         > 
>         > Your assumption below wrt the intention is correct. I don't know how feasible it is to add this while it's in the editor q.
>         > 
>         > Regards,
>         > Reshad.
>         > 
>         > On 2019-08-19, 3:18 PM, "Martin Bjorklund" <mbj@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>         > 
>         >     "Reshad Rahman (rrahman)" <rrahman@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>         >     > Thanks Martin and Mahesh.
>         >     > 
>         >     > I believe we should add a mandatory statement to the choic (speaking
>         >     > as BFD YANG co-author,)
>         >     
>         >     But then it is not clear why all leafs in the cases have default
>         >     statements.
>         >     
>         >     Since the 'single-interval' case is optional with a if-feature (which
>         >     BTW is weird since it is trivial to implement), and the only other
>         >     case has default values on both its leafs, I would have assumed that
>         >     the intention was that if nothing is configured, the server should use
>         >     1000000 microseconds for the intervals.  If this is the intention,
>         >     perhaps a statement:  "default tx-rx-intervals;" can be added to the
>         >     module, even though the doc is in the RFC ed q.
>         >     
>         >     
>         >     /martin
>         >     
>         >     
>         >     
>         >     > 
>         >     > Just created
>         >     > 
>         >     > Regards,
>         >     > Reshad.
>         >     > 
>         >     > 
>         >     > On 2019-08-19, 2:45 PM, "Mahesh Jethanandani" <mjethanandani@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>         >     > 
>         >     >     [Adding the authors of BFD YANG module]
>         >     >     
>         >     >     Martin brings up a good point. But since the document that contains ietf-bfd-types is sitting in RFC Ed Queue, this will have to go into a bis document.
>         >     >     
>         >     >     Chairs, could you create a bfd-wg in GitHub for us to track this as an issue to be fixed as part of a bis document?
>         >     >     
>         >     >     > On Aug 19, 2019, at 4:29 AM, Martin Björklund via Datatracker <noreply@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>         >     >     > 
>         >     >     > Reviewer: Martin Björklund
>         >     >     > Review result: Ready with Nits
>         >     >     > 
>         >     >     > I have reviewed this document from a YANG model perspective only.
>         >     >     > 
>         >     >     > My only comment is actually for a grouping defined in ietf-bfd-type, but used
>         >     >     > in this module.  There is a choice "interval-config-type":
>         >     >     > 
>         >     >     >  +--rw unsolicited {bfd-unsol:unsolicited-params-global}?
>         >     >     >       +--rw enable?                           boolean
>         >     >     >       +--rw local-multiplier?                 multiplier
>         >     >     >       +--rw (interval-config-type)?
>         >     >     >          +--:(tx-rx-intervals)
>         >     >     >          |  +--rw desired-min-tx-interval?    uint32
>         >     >     >          |  +--rw required-min-rx-interval?   uint32
>         >     >     >          +--:(single-interval) {single-minimum-interval}?
>         >     >     >             +--rw min-interval?               uint32
>         >     >     > 
>         >     >     > This choice is not mandatory and doesn't have a default case, so the question
>         >     >     > is what happens if no nodes from the choice has been configured?   I would
>         >     >     > expect the choice to have a default case (but this then would apply to
>         >     >     > ietf-bfd-types, not this document.)
>         >     >     > 
>         >     >     > 
>         >     >     
>         >     >     Mahesh Jethanandani
>         >     >     mjethanandani@xxxxxxxxx
>         >     >     
>         >     >     
>         >     >     
>         >     >     
>         >     > 
>         >     
>         > 

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>   <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> 
>   <tbody><tr id="part-1" bgcolor="orange"><th></th><th><a href=""; style="color:#008; text-decoration:none;">&lt;</a>&nbsp;<a href=""; style="color:#008">draft-ietf-bfd-yang.txt</a>&nbsp;</th><th> </th><th>&nbsp;<a href=""; style="color:#008">draft-ietf-bfd-yang-17.txt</a>&nbsp;<a href=""; style="color:#008; text-decoration:none;">&gt;</a></th><th></th></tr> 
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left"></td><td> </td><td class="right"></td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr id="part-1" class="change"><td></td><th><small>skipping to change at</small><a href="";><em> page 26, line 26<span class="hide"> ??</span></em></a></th><th> </th><th><small>skipping to change at</small><a href="";><em> page 26, line 26<span class="hide"> ??</span></em></a></th><td></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">    }</td><td> </td><td class="right">    }</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">  }</td><td> </td><td class="right">  }</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left"></td><td> </td><td class="right"></td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">  &lt;CODE ENDS&gt;</td><td> </td><td class="right">  &lt;CODE ENDS&gt;</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left"></td><td> </td><td class="right"></td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">2.13.  BFD types YANG Module</td><td> </td><td class="right">2.13.  BFD types YANG Module</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left"></td><td> </td><td class="right"></td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">   This YANG module imports typedefs from [RFC6991], [RFC8177] and the</td><td> </td><td class="right">   This YANG module imports typedefs from [RFC6991], [RFC8177] and the</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">   "control-plane-protocol" identity from [RFC8349].</td><td> </td><td class="right">   "control-plane-protocol" identity from [RFC8349].</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left"></td><td> </td><td class="right"></td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr id="diff0001"><td></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="lblock">&lt;CODE BEGINS&gt; file "ietf-bfd-types@201<span class="delete">8-08-0</span>1.yang"</td><td> </td><td class="rblock">&lt;CODE BEGINS&gt; file "ietf-bfd-types@201<span class="insert">9-08-2</span>1.yang"</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left"></td><td> </td><td class="right"></td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">module ietf-bfd-types {</td><td> </td><td class="right">module ietf-bfd-types {</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left"></td><td> </td><td class="right"></td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">  yang-version 1.1;</td><td> </td><td class="right">  yang-version 1.1;</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left"></td><td> </td><td class="right"></td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">  namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-bfd-types";</td><td> </td><td class="right">  namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-bfd-types";</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left"></td><td> </td><td class="right"></td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">  prefix "bfd-types";</td><td> </td><td class="right">  prefix "bfd-types";</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left"></td><td> </td><td class="right"></td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">  // RFC Ed.: replace occurences of XXXX with actual RFC number and</td><td> </td><td class="right">  // RFC Ed.: replace occurences of XXXX with actual RFC number and</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left"></td><td> </td><td class="right"></td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr id="part-2" class="change"><td></td><th><small>skipping to change at</small><a href="";><em> page 27, line 49<span class="hide"> ??</span></em></a></th><th> </th><th><small>skipping to change at</small><a href="";><em> page 27, line 49<span class="hide"> ??</span></em></a></th><td></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">     to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License</td><td> </td><td class="right">     to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">     set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions</td><td> </td><td class="right">     set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">     Relating to IETF Documents</td><td> </td><td class="right">     Relating to IETF Documents</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">     (</td><td> </td><td class="right">     (</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left"></td><td> </td><td class="right"></td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">     This version of this YANG module is part of RFC XXXX; see</td><td> </td><td class="right">     This version of this YANG module is part of RFC XXXX; see</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">     the RFC itself for full legal notices.";</td><td> </td><td class="right">     the RFC itself for full legal notices.";</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left"></td><td> </td><td class="right"></td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">  reference "RFC XXXX";</td><td> </td><td class="right">  reference "RFC XXXX";</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left"></td><td> </td><td class="right"></td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr id="diff0002"><td></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="lblock">  revision 201<span class="delete">8-08-0</span>1 {</td><td> </td><td class="rblock">  revision 201<span class="insert">9-08-2</span>1 {</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">    description "Initial revision.";</td><td> </td><td class="right">    description "Initial revision.";</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">    reference "RFC XXXX: YANG Data Model for BFD";</td><td> </td><td class="right">    reference "RFC XXXX: YANG Data Model for BFD";</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">  }</td><td> </td><td class="right">  }</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">  /*</td><td> </td><td class="right">  /*</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">   * Feature definitions</td><td> </td><td class="right">   * Feature definitions</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">   */</td><td> </td><td class="right">   */</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">  feature single-minimum-interval {</td><td> </td><td class="right">  feature single-minimum-interval {</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">    description</td><td> </td><td class="right">    description</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">      "This feature indicates that the server supports configuration</td><td> </td><td class="right">      "This feature indicates that the server supports configuration</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">       of one minimum interval value which is used for both transmit and</td><td> </td><td class="right">       of one minimum interval value which is used for both transmit and</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left"></td><td> </td><td class="right"></td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr id="part-3" class="change"><td></td><th><small>skipping to change at</small><a href="";><em> page 31, line 43<span class="hide"> ??</span></em></a></th><th> </th><th><small>skipping to change at</small><a href="";><em> page 31, line 43<span class="hide"> ??</span></em></a></th><td></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left"></td><td> </td><td class="right"></td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">  grouping base-cfg-parms {</td><td> </td><td class="right">  grouping base-cfg-parms {</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">    description "BFD grouping for base config parameters.";</td><td> </td><td class="right">    description "BFD grouping for base config parameters.";</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">    leaf local-multiplier {</td><td> </td><td class="right">    leaf local-multiplier {</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">      type multiplier;</td><td> </td><td class="right">      type multiplier;</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">      default 3;</td><td> </td><td class="right">      default 3;</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">      description "Multiplier transmitted by local system.";</td><td> </td><td class="right">      description "Multiplier transmitted by local system.";</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">    }</td><td> </td><td class="right">    }</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left"></td><td> </td><td class="right"></td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">    choice interval-config-type {</td><td> </td><td class="right">    choice interval-config-type {</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr id="diff0003"><td></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="lblock"></td><td> </td><td class="rblock"><span class="insert">      default tx-rx-intervals;</span></td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">      description</td><td> </td><td class="right">      description</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">        "Two interval values or one value used for both transmit and</td><td> </td><td class="right">        "Two interval values or one value used for both transmit and</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">         receive.";</td><td> </td><td class="right">         receive.";</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">      case tx-rx-intervals {</td><td> </td><td class="right">      case tx-rx-intervals {</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">        leaf desired-min-tx-interval {</td><td> </td><td class="right">        leaf desired-min-tx-interval {</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">          type uint32;</td><td> </td><td class="right">          type uint32;</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">          units microseconds;</td><td> </td><td class="right">          units microseconds;</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">          default 1000000;</td><td> </td><td class="right">          default 1000000;</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">          description</td><td> </td><td class="right">          description</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>       <tr><td class="lineno"></td><td class="left">            "Desired minimum transmit interval of control packets.";</td><td> </td><td class="right">            "Desired minimum transmit interval of control packets.";</td><td class="lineno"></td></tr>
>      <tr><td></td><td class="left"></td><td> </td><td class="right"></td><td></td></tr>
>      <tr id="end" bgcolor="gray"><th colspan="5" align="center">&nbsp;End of changes. 3 change blocks.&nbsp;</th></tr>
>      <tr class="stats"><td></td><th><i>2 lines changed or deleted</i></th><th><i> </i></th><th><i>3 lines changed or added</i></th><td></td></tr>
>      <tr><td colspan="5" align="center" class="small"><br>This html diff was produced by rfcdiff 1.47. The latest version is available from <a href="";></a> </td></tr>
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