Reviewer: Martin Björklund Review result: Ready with Nits I have reviewed this document from a YANG model perspective only. My only comment is actually for a grouping defined in ietf-bfd-type, but used in this module. There is a choice "interval-config-type": +--rw unsolicited {bfd-unsol:unsolicited-params-global}? +--rw enable? boolean +--rw local-multiplier? multiplier +--rw (interval-config-type)? +--:(tx-rx-intervals) | +--rw desired-min-tx-interval? uint32 | +--rw required-min-rx-interval? uint32 +--:(single-interval) {single-minimum-interval}? +--rw min-interval? uint32 This choice is not mandatory and doesn't have a default case, so the question is what happens if no nodes from the choice has been configured? I would expect the choice to have a default case (but this then would apply to ietf-bfd-types, not this document.)