Hi, I would like to point out the yang discussion on dnsops about: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-lhotka-dnsop-iana-class-type-yang-00 archived here: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/dnsop/0AjdiR8htN_vjglimt1b7z10V_E This is another yang document that snapshots a bunch of IANA registries into an RFC, including building references for obsolete/deprecated items, and of course becoming obsolete pretty much immediately if these IANA registries change. Some people are objecting and some people don't see any problem with this approach. We had a similar discussion during the last 2-3 IETFs at i2nsf/ipsec about draft-ietf-i2nsf-sdn-ipsec-flow-protection that did something similar at first, and they talked to the ipsec and yang people, and came up with the solution of referencing the IANA registries in their latest version: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-i2nsf-sdn-ipsec-flow-protection/ I believe I raised this question at the last plenary at the mic as well. I believe strongly that the method of referencing the registries that the i2nsf document does is preferable over the method of the dnsop document. We need a IETF wide policy or guidance on how the do these things, so that we do not end up with different policies and guidelines for different documents or different working groups. Have any efforts been started yet to come up with an IETF wide approach for this recurring issue with yang? Paul