On 10.07.2019 06:01, Christian Huitema wrote:
... Tooling is just one of the problems with XML2RFC. The real issue is that XML2RFC is completely specific to the IETF. This translate into training
> ... It also has been optimized for the production of RFCs. Also note that many changes in the v3 vocab just align the language with HTML (lists and tables come to mind).
requirements for people who need to actually use that markup language, absence of easy to use tools because the user pool is too small to sustain development, and then a reliance on translators between an easy-to-edit format and the publication. For example, a team of authors would be using markdown and Github, and using a tool chain to produce XML2RFC. But if a copy editor suggests updates to the XML text, these updates cannot easily imported to the original markdown document, or to the markdown starter for the "bis" project.
And the solution for that of course is to let the copy editor suggest updates to the actual document source.
Best regards, Julian