That's a decision made further up the stack. It's not part of the scope of this group.
For what it's worth: In the US, the BSM-based applications are based on SAE J2945/1 and SAE J2735-2016 and sent over WSMP.. In Europe, cooperative awareness using CAM is based on EN 302 637-2 and sent over BTP. But even if BSMs were sent over IP, the version of BSM used would be out of scope for this group. That's how layered systems work.
- sent from my phone
On Tue, Apr 16, 2019, 11:45 AM Alexandre Petrescu <alexandre.petrescu@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Which network/transport do BSMs use?
Le 16/04/2019 à 11:40, William Whyte a écrit :
> I don't fully understand why IPWAVE, which is about network / transport
> protocols, needs to have an opinion about what form of BSM to use.
> Cheers,
> William
> On Tue, Apr 16, 2019 at 10:58 AM Alexandre Petrescu
> <alexandre.petrescu@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:alexandre.petrescu@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> Sri,
> Thank you very much for the email.
> I would like to take this opportunity to discuss publicly a particular
> topic in your email, that we already touched upon in private a few
> months ago.
> I purposefully keep the other ideas of you out of this email, but I do
> agree with very many of them.
> Le 16/04/2019 à 05:11, Sri Gundavelli (sgundave) a écrit :
> [...]
> > From the point of view of vehicular safety, its about exchange of
> > BSM (Basic Safety Messages) between vehicles as per SAEJ735
> > standard.
> Sri, but there are at least three versions of BSM.
> Which BSM do you mean?
> Why SAE and not ISO? Both have 'International' in their names.
> Why SAE 2016 and not SAE 2009?
> - SAEJ2735 version 2009 (free access),
> (google hits "SAE J2735")
> - SAEJ2735 version 2016 (paid access, cca 100 USD),
> (google hits "SAE J2735")
> - and the ISO/CEN/ETSI versions (free access):
> (remark I dont mention ETSI CAM, which is ITS safety in Europe).
> The three seem to be different in contents, to a few people. Myself I
> identified the first and second to be distinct.
> Ideally, safety would be just one standard, right? Something like a
> combination of all BSM versions with the CAM version running on a
> transport that is common to all.
> A safe car would need to be able to understand all these CAM and BSM
> versions; if it misses just one because of some syntax error, well,
> safety would be at stake.
> > [...] and for very good reason IEEE WAVE standards did not bother to
> > require IPv6 transport for carrying these messages.
> I doubt that reason.
> Alex
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> I may have sent this email out of office hours. I never expect a
> response outside yours.