Hi Ross, I understand your point of view and - on the surface, at least -
it might appear like I am advocating for the same behavior that we
are trying to prevent. I actually think that if you dig a little
deeper, the two are very different. I am sorry about the fact that
this may have come across very strong and lacking compassion -
that was not my intention. I tend to be very strict when it comes
to unjust behavior, and the fact that I do really care about this
topic does not justify me being too harsh or suggest
policies/solutions. One very important aspect I would like to further explain is that
in my message, in any way, I wanted to imply that people that have
experienced this issue, should come forward if they do not feel
like doing it (for absolutely ANY reason) - It is extremely
difficult (and requires a lot of courage) to speak out. The first
priority, I think, as a community, is to provide compassion and
support to help the individuals to handle the situation. And maybe
there could be means to allow who reports anything to be involved
and have their saying about how to handle the situation - it could
be that no official action is requested, but at least we might
understand (in an anonymous form even) how widespread this issue
is. I do not have the answers - it is a very complex problem. However, as a Community I think we need to continue to work on this and strive for a safer and happier environment. We try and we might succeed or we might fail... and if the latter happens, we just look at why we failed, where we can improve, how we can provide a better support network - until we finally eradicate this fowl behavior. And if we fail again, we work together to improve again. After all, if this is still going on, maybe we shall think about
new ways to address this issue. In my opinion, there is also the possibility for an even harder target. Although, I understand that we might not change the world in a day, but we could provide a model that could be brought back home to our companies and our communities around the world. We might not solve this problem around the world, but if we do not even try... what does it say about us ? I thank everybody who replied and I hope this discussion inspired
deep introspection in each and every one of us: awareness is not a
solution, but, I think, a good start. Many good points have been
raised, and I hope that the conversation will continue. I would be happy to further explore solutions with the ombusteam (https://www.ietf.org/contact/ombudsteam/) - if there is an interest to continue the conversation in a more appropriate venue (now that, I think, we raised a bit the level of awareness in our great Community). Cheers,
On 3/30/19 1:43 AM, Ross Finlayson
On the subject of “harassment” - I hope I’m not the only person who sees some irony here:And if you are one the people that think this community will tolerate your behavior maybe because you are a well-known figure in the Industry, be sure of one thing: I will fight to make sure that (a) your behavior is publicly exposed, and (b) you get shamed and BANNED from IETF. The behavior, I think, should also be reported to the HR department of the organization that sent that individual for further actions. --
Best Regards,
Massimiliano Pala, Ph.D.
OpenCA Labs Director ![]() |