I just use the Meetecho recording page. Yes, I need to watch the stream even if I do not need it (because I am in the physical room), but I do get a combined view of chat room, live video feed, and slides in my browser without needing to install any other software or having an account anywhere.
When I am a jabber scribe, I type into the chat room the name of the person speaking at the mic as people walk up to the mic (I read their badge (PLEASE PEOPLE, HAVE YOUR BADGES EASILY READIBLE!), and this means together with the audio, video and slides, people speaking into the mic are identified by name and the note taker can use this to make sure the notes are correct).
I also start each session by stating that I am the jabber scribe and that people who want things relayed to the mic should preface their statement with "to mic:". This has worked well for me and the sessions I jabber scribe.
I also recommend that the chairs in sessions monitor the jabber room. Some do already, but I recommend everybody to do so.
-- Mikael Abrahamsson email: swmike@xxxxxxxxx