Le 13/06/2018 à 20:02, Warren Kumari a écrit :
I'm assuming you tried it with the docName attribute as
"draft-ietf-ipwave-ipv6-over-80211ocb-24" ?
That is not the full draft name.
The full draft name is draft-ietf-ipwave-ipv6-over-80211ocb-24.txt
On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 1:44 PM Alexandre Petrescu
<alexandre.petrescu@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:alexandre.petrescu@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
I have just tried again: if I submit just the xml then the web page
complains in red about title and draft name. If I submit both the xml
and the txt then it accepts it.
The complain in red is this:
> Could not extract a valid draft revision from the upload. To fix this
> in a text upload, please make sure that the full draft name including
> revision number appears centered on its own line below the document
> title on the first page. In an xml upload, please make sure that the
> top-level <rfc/> element has a docName attribute which provides the
> full draft name including revision number.
This is the xml excerpt that may cause issue?:
> <rfc category="std"
> docName="draft-ietf-ipwave-ipv6-over-80211ocb-24.txt"
> ipr="trust200902">
Attached the full xml file for what it's worth.
I don't think the execution is relevant when it was obviously a bad idea
in the first place.
This is like putting rabid weasels in your pants, and later expressing
regret at having chosen those particular rabid weasels and that pair of