I had an awful experience travelling home from Singapore. What was supposed to be 22-hours of travel became 40-hours. Much of this was due to my US-based connecting airport being exceptionally busy, related to this most-travelled holiday of the year, causing me to miss my gate and not be able to get onto either of two standbys. Even if the travel-congestion were not an issue, there the secondary issue of coming home into an already short week. Most US companies give Thursday and Friday off and many, including myself, take Wednesday off as well (to travel to our Thanksgiving destinations). This leads the somewhat frantic situation of trying to catch-up on email from the week before while clearing the way for the week ahead. I understand that this is just an American holiday and that less than half of the IETF are Americans but, if there is any discretion in the matter for future meetings, I would be exceptionally happy if the IETF made an effort to hold the 3rd-meeting of the year a week earlier. Thanks, Kent