On 11/1/17 10:35 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
My specifications are my code.
If you look at any of the protocol specifications for the Mesh, you
will find a reference section in the back that is generated directly
from the schema and examples taken from running code generated from
the same schema. And the running code used to generate the examples is
the same as the reference code.
That's a little bit disingenuous, isn't it - particularly since you've
written quite a bit of documentation beyond your code.
Beyond that, the point of a specification is to DRIVE implementation &
testing of multiple, interoperable implementations. A reference
implementation is one thing, but as soon as one specific piece of code
(warts & all) becomes the "spec" - it's not really a specification anymore.
Miles Fidelman
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is. .... Yogi Berra