How do i know which behavior of your code is a bug and which behavior is a feature ? On Wed, Nov 01, 2017 at 10:35:08PM -0400, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote: > My specifications are my code. > > If you look at any of the protocol specifications for the Mesh, you > will find a reference section in the back that is generated directly > from the schema and examples taken from running code generated from > the same schema. And the running code used to generate the examples is > the same as the reference code. > > > > The tool set is also open source though documenting this has been a > lower priority for me than finishing the Mesh. > > > > The original point of doing this was accuracy rather than saving time. > But it certainly saves me a lot of time now I have the system working. > I am currently working on generating examples for the Web site as > well. > > At present, the code generators create C# code but they have generated > C in the past. I will probably return to that after the current code > set is complete.