On 10/08/2017 03:57 PM, Melinda Shore wrote:
On 10/8/17 11:10 AM, Padma Pillay-Esnault wrote:
Using the cell phone example to tie an end device to a human. Today,
doesn't SIM cards tie at some level you as a subscriber to your device
and do the accounting? The SIM database is not publicly accessible are they?
I think the concern is less about the ability to query a database
than it is about these identifiers providing a mechanism that
doesn't address linkability (consider, for example, Bitcoin addresses).
Melinda, I am struggling to get your meaning.
Identities are messy and do not work well in protocols or as table
indicies. Identifiers TEND to be one-way concise mappings of Identities
that CAN be used thusly. So there is a one-way linkage. Thing is
sometimes you need the other way. Given an Identifier, what is the
Identity, as there might be policy rules needing enforcement.
Then there is discovering the Identity for peer communications. Why
should party A be allowed to learn that party B exists and then be led
to where it is? So more linkage.
And all of this needs to be fast and work on very small things as well
as rather big things. Blockchains tend not to be easy to work on things
with much less than a M of capacity. Some of the work will be done in
big ugly sentral services. Other work closer to the problem.
But I am wandering here.