So, according to that webpage, if you have prescription medicines, you MUST go through the redline. And, does anyone know where to find the list of products that require prescriptions in Singapore per the following?
If you need to take medicines which may only be obtained through prescription under the Singapore laws, especially sleeping pills, depressants, stimulants, etc, please carry with you a prescription from a physician confirming that these medicines are required for your physical well-being. There are severe penalties for the illegal possession of such medicines.
It seems I'll need a rather long visit with my doctor before traveling to get prescriptions from my doc for all of my supplements, as well. Although, I guess my best bet is to just buy what I can when I get there - it looks like they have a lot of supplement stores, including a GNC. I've never been stopped, but I can't imagine what they'd think of my little containers of white amino acid powders.
Do they xray your luggage when you enter the country?