On 16 Feb. 2017 8:14 pm, "Randy Bush" <randy@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> "something useful" makes it subjective.some of us try to operate networks. useful is what customers pay us to
slaac is real, used, and is useful in some environments that customers
> SLAAC, NPT66, ILNP are the biggest one that I can think of.
One of the benefits of a /64 is that IIDs within it can be sparsely distributed, making device discovery by unsolicited inbound address probing ineffective.
I think a router having these sorts of sparse IIDs in its addresses would be a useful mitigation against router control plane attacks, such as a syn attack on port 179 from the Internet.
64 for slaac is fine.
> Trivial to make SLAAC work with variable length prefixes of course.
for the rest, we went to cidr over a decade back, when folk scammed mo
out of 8+8.
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