Dave, On 30/08/14 19:04, Dave Crocker wrote: > This fails to distinguish between activity and substance response. Just for the record really, and as I have previously stated, I do consider that all the substantive points you raised were responded to properly. A number of changes were made as a result, but in other cases, changes you would presumably like to see were not made. I also consider that you are basically just re-iterating the same points, on which I consider you in the rough, and you have raised no new issues. I do get that you don't agree with the above, though I do not have any clue how you don't also spot the repetitive nature of your recent mails on this draft. S. PS: Before and in case you ask, no I do not plan to provide a forensic analysis of the threads resulting from all the links you sent. I already summarised the LC to the list a couple of times.