Us bozos who've been relying on Gmail for years are humbled and honored to be in the presence of real professionals like you. BTW, the presence of "" is not a reliable criterion for detecting Gmail use and implicit bozo-ness. You may have been paying serious attention all these years to some of the wrong people; how tragic.
On Aug 29, 2014 7:48 AM, "Ross Finlayson" <finlayson@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Gmail, like Yahoo and Hotmail and AOL, is sporadically useful for casual
> purposes where mail transmission and receipt isn't terribly important.
> But it's much too poorly operated to be acceptable for professional use.
Plus the fact that "" and "" (etc.) serve as good first-level 'Bozo Filters'. DMARC serves as yet another reminder that serious professionals should not be using such email addresses.