On Friday, August 22, 2014, Melinda Shore <melinda.shore@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
And because of my personal proclivities, Hawaii
in November sounds like a slice of hell.
72 to 85 degrees average and sunny? Not my description of hell...
For me the clincher
is the likely unavailability of decent low-cost food (Orlando
was absolutely awful on that front), and if I go at all I'll only stay
a few days, strictly because of the venue. But that's me.
And there appear to be plenty of reasonably priced restaurants very close to the Hilton.
Honolulu and the Hilton in particular are pretty much nothing like Orlando.
Honolulu is not primarily a resort town. It's a city with a large resident population. It's compressed between the ocean and the mountains, so it's rather compact.
You can find pretty much anything you want at any price point. The Hilton is close to the beach and in a more expensive area, and yet it's still an easy walk to pretty much anything you could want. I think it compares much more closely to Toronto, which I found quite acceptable.
Chris Elliott
CCIE # 2013
“You and I are mirages that perceive themselves”
--Douglas Hofstadter